Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Rumney Library Trustees - 5/23/2013



Rumney, NH

May 23, 2013 – 12:30 p.m.

The meeting was opened at 12:30 PM. Present were Roger Daniels, Thomas Wallace, Leina Smoker and Susan Turbyne.



  1. Review Draft Minutes:  April 24, 2013 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) that the minutes be approved as read. The motion was passed.
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Account Balances – As of 5/23/2013, Checking - $6,882.67, Library Endowment Fund - $86,514.32
    2. Income/ Spending “to date” – The spending report was distributed indicating “operating expenditures” to 23 May 2013 of $ 14,925.00.
    3. 2012 Interest Income – Interest from the Town held Endowment Funds totaled $51.50 (Adelaid Bond Fund - $27.57, William Doe Fund - $23.93)
    4. Ralph Berg Revocable Trust letter – Mary Manita of Plymouth, Trustee – Tom will follow up on this.
  3. Library Director’s Report – The three ladies at the library continue to keep very busy. New books have been processed and placed on the shelves. A number of old books in poor condition have been culled. Books donated have been boxed up for the August book sale.
     Our Wednesday afternoon story time continues to be very popular with our young moms with an average attendance of ten to twelve children each week. We have not scheduled story time in June as we need the time to prepare for the Summer Reading Program and Rachel will be away one of the weeks on vacation.
  1. Report - NHLTA Annual Meeting/ Conference, May 20, 2013 – Tom attended the conference in Bedford. It was very well attended. The keynote speaker spoke on Library Advocacy. Tom attended two workshops on fundraising which we hope will be useful with our upcoming project.


1.                     Article 26: “Lot Line Adjustment” with Rumney Baptist Church – Status
o    We are on the agenda with the Planning Board this next Tuesday, May 28th at 7:30 at the town offices to proceed with the Lot Line adjustment between the Byron G Merrill Library and the Rumney Baptist Church.
o    Kevin French is finalizing the drawing.
o    We then discussed the upcoming meeting and the Town’s request that the papers be signed prior to the meeting. Leina will get the required signature from the Rumney Baptist Church.

2.                     Article 27: LCHIP Grant Application (Phase 2) – Status –
o    Issues: Ramp Option & project Cost – We have received some feedback from town citizens regarding the cost of an elevator. The Division of Historical Resources has indicated that they will work with us for an exemption in order that we might be able to install a LULA elevator vs. a full elevator required by code. Tom then reviewed the negatives of using a ramp. Tom will price out a ramp for comparison purposes.
o    Grant Application
1.     Architect’s “Draft” Proposal – Tom received a revised contract from Dennis Mires for inclusion in the Application.
2.     Application – Tom will make a few changes to our LChip application at the advice of Amy Dixon and submit it the middle of June.
3.                     Identify “Budget” for Accessibility Project – The current estimate is $526,785.00. If we change the elevator to a LULA the estimate is reduced to $453.600. If we eliminate the downstairs renovations as well the estimate would be around $366,000. Agreed that further reduction probably needed. We can think about this in the month ahead in order to be able to give the Architect a project Budget as required by the Contract.

1.                     Other New Business - none

We adjourned at 1:34 PM

Next Meeting:  June 27, 2013 at 12:30 PM

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Rumney Library Trustees - 4/24/2013

MEETING MINUTES – Approved May 23, 2013 BOARD OF TRUSTEES BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH April 24, 2013 – 12:30 p.m. The meeting was opened at 12:30 PM. Present were Roger Daniels, Thomas Wallace, Leina Smoker, and Susan Turbyne REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes: March 20, 2013 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the minutes as amended. The motion was passed. 2. Treasurer’s Report a. Treasurer’s Report dated April 23, 2013 including Account Balance and Budget – Spending Report distributed. Account Balances – Checking: $ 8,788.36; Libr. Endowm. $86,461.40. 3. Library Director’s Report - none OLD BUSINESS 1. 2012 Feasibility Study – Disabled Accessibility: Tom reported that Study is completed, Final Disbursement from LCHIP received and all Invoices paid. 2. Article 26: “Lot Line Adjustment” with Rumney Baptist Church: a. We discussed the meeting which took place on April 8th 2013 at the town office. b. Tom has worked on the lot line adjustment paperwork and Annie Dow is working on the requests from the church for parking and snow placement easements. 3. Article 27: LCHIP Grant Application (Phase 2) a. Time Schedule & Study Budget: Tom distributed a flow chart outlining the activities to be completed prior to March 2014 Town Meeting and Study Budget dated 10 Jan 2013. b. Grant Application • Architect’s “Draft” Proposal reviewed. o Agreed to proceed with the firm of Dennis Mires – The Architects for Phase 2. o Agreed to include the following to be included as part of Architect’s services:  Verify that LULA elevator does not meet Code requirements. Assist Owner in requesting waiver(s) to requirements if necessary.  Limit renovations to existing Lower Level to those required for access to new addition.  Identify other “cost savings” options for consideration by Library Trustees.  Relocate new accessible toilet from existing Basement to new addition.  Provide a concrete/ masonry base for new addition, 32” high +/- above grade.  Review Energy Audit with and incorporate Energy Audit recommendations as directed by Library Trustees. o Tom will discuss with the Architect his (Architect’s) opinion regarding using a Construction Manager contract vs. traditional Design-Bid-Build method. o Tom will advise Architect of modifications Trustees wish made to proposed Agreement and ask for revised copy to be attached as part of LCHIP Grant Application. • Grant Application: Tom reported that LCHIP Board will not meet until late June to review Grant Application which means that study cannot start until after that date. LCHIP has asked that Grant Application be submitted by late May 2013. Tom working to comply with this request. c. Project Budget: • Three “Preliminary” Budget Options were reviewed as follows: Total Budget Town Appropriation Option 1: Per Architect’s Study $ 526,785. $ 446,785. Option 2: Change Full Elevator $ 453,600. $ 373,600. to LULA Option 3: LULA Elevator plus $ 366,450. $ 286,450. Reduced LL Renov. It was agreed that even Option 3 was probably to expensive for approval by the Town and that final Budget would have to be further reduced. 4. Preparation for 2014 Town Meeting – Accessibility Project Proposal a. Presentations to Town • Publicity/ Educate Town: Agreed that publicity needed to begin early in process as soon as specifics became available. • Citizen Participation: The possibility of forming a small Building Committee was discussed, but with understanding that Library Trustees had “final say” regarding the Library and all Town property related thereto per State Statutes. b. Outside Funding Sources • Grant Possibilities discussed: o USDA – Rural Development: Tom reported that he had attended a Rural Development Grant Workshop this past winter and found that Rural Development has only limited Grant Funds available and that their procedures do not “fit” our project well. They may be able to help, however, with a small component of the project such as “Furnishings and Equipment”. o Wind Farm Mitigation Fund (Remaining Balance – ($25,000.): Tom noted that it may not be possible to apply for this money until after the March 2014 Town Meeting meaning that it could not be used to reduce the Town appropriation required. This could be a problem for other Grants as well. • Donations/ Fund Raising Projects o Discussed, briefly, whether Library itself could solicit donations or operate fund raising projects. Tom said he believed we could, and that donors could claim donations as “tax deductible”, but he is not certain. Tom will try to clarify this. NEW BUSINESS 1. Accept 2012 Donation: $ 25.00: Florence/ Joseph Leverone, Rumney, NH Deposited M. Learned Sub Acct.; Dec. 28, 2012 It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept this donation. The motion was passed. 2. NHLTA Annual Meeting/ Conference – May 20 in Bedford – Tom plans to attend this conference and has signed up for sessions on Fund Raising, Grants, etc. 3. Other New Business: - None Next Meeting: Thursday May 23, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013

Rumney Library Trustees - 3/20/2013

BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES – APPROVED on 4/24/2013 BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH March 20, 2013 – 12:30 p.m. The meeting was opened at 12:30 PM. Present were Roger Daniels, Thomas Wallace, Leina Smoker, and Susan Turbyne REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes: February 6, 2013 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the minutes as read. The motion was passed. 2. Treasurer’s Report a. 2012 Town Audit (week of March 18) is taking place. b. 2013 • Account Balances - $89,501.04 as of 3/19/2013 • Spending “to date” – We reviewed this report. Tom noted that we need to monitor expenses as this year’s spending to date is running a little ahead of projections. 3. Library Director’s Report We have busy at the library since we last met on February 6th. Totals for February are: 358 patron visits, 417 books and 136 dvds checked out. A great deal of our time is spent processing books to add to our collection. In addition to books we have purchased, over a hundred books have been donated in the last month. Each book is entered into our data base as well as the state listing. Labels, pockets and cards are added. We hold several programs each month. Story time which includes a craft has been held the first three Wednesdays each month. Our new ‘tween’ club started meeting in February and also met three times in March. We are using the American Girl as our theme. Thus far we have ‘studied’ Kaya, an Indian Girl who lived in Washington state in 1764. This past Saturday we concluded that study with a visit to the White Mountain Museum in Plymouth followed by a treat at the Ice Cream Parlor. The Ladies Knitting Group met the second Thursday in February and March. Our book club is sort of active… we all read ‘One More Mountain’ by Emilie Richards but are unable to come up with a time to meet. We were open the third Thursday in February and had a few people stop in. Our programs will continue in April. Sheila is scheduled to be on vacation April 6th to 13th and Rachel will be taking some time off around the school vacation. OLD BUSINESS 1. Red Mountain Construction Ceiling Patching & Painting – Final Cost $ 430.00 (Paid) 2. 2012 Feasibility Study – Disabled Accessibility a. Energy Audit – We received the final report and will be studying it in the months ahead. b. Final Spending Report – LCHIP grant – The final bills for the architect($1600.00), the energy audit ($1600.00) and plan printing ($64.75) totaling $ $3,264.75 have been received. It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) that these bills be submitted to the town to be paid. The motion was passed. NEW BUSINESS 1. Trustee Officers election – It was decided that the slate of officers continue in their present positions – Chairperson – Roger Daniels, Secretary – Leina Smoker, and Treasurer – Thomas Wallace 2. Town Meeting Warrant Articles a. Article 26 “Lot Line Adjustment” with Rumney Baptist Church - Article 26 was passed at town meeting. Leina suggested, and all agreed that we request a meeting with the selectmen and church elders to discuss going ahead with the lot line adjustment. b. Article 27 Authority to expend $ 40,000.00 for architectural services for design development with full amount to come from Groton Wind Project “Mitigation Funds” administered by LCHIP – Article 27 was passed at town meeting. It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to proceed with the application to LCHIP. The motion was passed. 3. Energy Audit Recommendations – Carl Doe has reviewed the report and shared a few thoughts about the boiler. We selected a larger boiler, seven years ago, because of the time it takes for the water to run out and back and because our system runs on a timer. Carl feels that our oil burner is working well and should not be changed. 4. Other New Business – no other business. The meeting was adjourned at 2.:03 pm.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rumney Library Trustees - 2/6/2013

APPROVED MINUTES *as of March 20th, 2013 BOARD OF TRUSTEES BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH February 6, 2013 – 12:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order at 12:30 pm. Present were Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker, and Susan Turbyne. REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes: January 10, 2013 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the minutes of January 10th 2013 as read. The motion was passed. 2. Treasurer’s Report a. 2013 • Account Balances - $95,321.10 as of 2/5/2013 • Spending “to date” – We reviewed our spending thus far this year. 3. Library Director’s Report: January was a busy month, good to get back on schedule after the holidays. Our totals for January were 395 patron visits, 451 books checked out, and 129 dvds/videos borrowed. The Knitting Ladies met on January 10th and we had three Wednesday afternoon story times. Third Thursday took place on January 17th and we had a group here playing cribbage. February came quickly and last Saturday we celebrated ‘Take Your Child to the Library Day, a national event. A dozen children stopped in for stories and a craft. Several new people signed up for library cards. Our plans for February include a Valentine’s party with the Knitting Ladies on the 14th, story times on the 13th, 20th and 27th, and Third Thursday on the 21st which will include games and book reviews. OLD BUSINESS 1. Planning Board: Review proposed “CIP Report – Jan. 30, 2013” After a few changes, it was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the “CIP Report – January 30, 2013” which goes to the planning board. 2. Red Mountain Construction Work – Susan reported that the work (repairing the ceiling around the light fixtures in the office, computer room, and behind the circulation desk) has been completed in a satisfactory manner. Red Mountain will get their final invoice to Tom Wallace. 3. Feasibility Study – Disabled Accessibility a. Land Acquisition from Church – Leina reported on the church meeting. The Church is working with a lawyer to clarify their land title. b. Architect’s Study Report -Vol. I & II, Drawings, Rendering) – The ‘Reports’ have been printed and a copy delivered to the town office. c. Energy Audit – Margaret Dillon from SEEDS will be here February 13th to do the audit. 4. 2013 Town Meeting Preparation a. Public Hearing – Feb. 11 @ 7:00 pm – Tom Wallace will attend this hearing. b. Informational Meeting at Library – Feb. 21 – It was decided not to have this event. c. Town Vote day – March 12 – Tom Wallace will be at the polls showing our plans. d. Town Meeting – March 14 – Tom will invite our architect, Dennis Mires, to be at the meeting in case he is needed to answer questions. 5. Spending Report – LCHIP Grant – We reviewed our expenses thus far. At this time there is a balance of $108.64 remaining. 6. Overdue Book Policy – Susan asked that we dismiss this discussion. NEW BUSINESS 1. Other New Business – There is no other new business. Next meeting will be Wednesday, March 20th at 12:30 PM.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Rumney Library Trustees - 1/10/2013

BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES – APPROVED 2/6/2013 BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH January 10, 2013 – 1:00 p.m. The meeting was opened at 1 PM. Present were: Roger Daniels, Thomas Wallace, Leina Smoker and Susan Turbyne. REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes: Nov. 29, 2012 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the minutes as read. The motion was passed. 2. Treasurer’s Report a. 2012 YE Reports • Budget/ Income Spending Reports – Tom shared the final totals for 2012 showing $36.62 unspent. • Town Report – Tom shared the report that will go into the town report for March. b. 2013 • Account Balances - $88,097.92 as of 1/8/2013 • Spending through 1/8/2013 – We reviewed this report. 3. Library Director’s Report a. The highlight of December was our Holiday Open House when 50+ patrons gathered on ‘3rd Thursday’, December 20th, to help us celebrate the season. The library was festively decorated right down to the use of Roger Daniel’s oil lamps. The musical group Rhubarb Pie with Bill and BJ Taffe played some lively music, John Allen read from ‘A Child’s Christmas in Wales’, cookie lovers took part in a swap, mystery readers were introduced to several new novels, and everyone seemed to have a good time. b. The patronage totals for 2012 have been computed: i. Patron visits – 5829 (4648 in 2011) ii. Books checked out – 6048 (5738 in 2011) iii. DVDs/Videos checked out – 1932 (2040 in 2011) c. January has arrived and with it many projects that need to be completed. Some of the things we are working on are; i. Putting away the Christmas decorations and eliminating some of the items we have not used ii. We have stocked up on salt but still need to add some sand and an inside rug. The flag pole holder needs to re-installed. iii. Updating the active patron list – renewing patrons who last registered in 2010 iv. Planning our upcoming ‘3rd Thursdays’ – our next one is January 17th and we are planning a game night. Several cribbage players have expressed an interest. v. The next session of Children’s Story time, ‘Bundle Up’ started yesterday with eleven children in attendance and will continue through the month of February. vi. ‘Take Your Child to the Library’, a national program, will take place on February 2nd and we plan to participate. vii. The ‘Tweens’ met in December and made Christmas gifts. We are planning a Valentine Tea for the girls and their American Girl dolls in February. viii. The Knitting Club remains active with the next get-together scheduled for this afternoon. ix. I have had requests to start up the ‘Ladies Book Club’ again so am in the process of ordering books. x. A complete review of our children’s room xi. The storage closet is on the list for being cleaned out and reorganized. The furnace room also needs to be also needs to be cleaned up. xii. Annual reports to the town and state are underway. xiii. And, as always, we strive to make our patrons happy and spend any extra time adding and purging books. d. A concern… over due books. I would like some input from the Trustees as to what our position should be. A discussion took place and it was agreed to give this issue some thought. OLD BUSINESS 1. Status Oil Tank Replacement – The two tanks have been replaced and moved into the boiler room. Carl Doe’s work is done and he has been paid. 2. Planning Board: Updated Capital Improvements request – We will table this request until another time. 3. Red Mountain Construction Proposal – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the bid proposal from Red Mountain Construction to repair the ceilings in the office, computer room, and behind the desk area at a cost between $300 and $450. The motion was passed 4. NH AG Office letter re: “Rumney Public Endowment Fund” Tom Wallace advised that he has sent a letter to the AG Office saying that the Library Trustees did not wish to terminate the Rumney Public Endowment Fund”, but wished to continue to maintain the Fund under the control of the Library Trustees if possible. 5. Feasibility Study – Disabled Accessibility a. Tom Wallace presented a report indicating Expenditures to date for the LCHIP Feasibility Study. After factoring the amount still due the Architect, $1835. is left in the grant money. It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to add the Energy Audit at a cost of $1600. leaving $235. for printing costs. The motion was passed. b. Architect’s Study Report • Volume I of the Architect’s Report was reviewed and discussed. All three of the Trustees expressed concerns about the 3-D drawings included in the Report. Roger Daniels, said that the perspective from the north makes the addition look larger that the existing building. All shared that concern and that the drawing may turn people against the proposal as opposed to help sell it. At this point, the Trustees all felt the Library’s interest was better served by removing the 3 pages with 3D drawings from the “Report”. Tom Wallace will convey the Trustees concerns to the Architect and ask him for a response. • Printing: Tom Wallace presented a proposal from True Colors for printing of the Report and some of the Drawings. After discussion it was agreed that only five copies of Vol. I and one copy of Vol. II were needed at this time. It was also agreed to hold off any printing until after the Annual Meeting of the Rumney Baptist Church when it would be known if the Church was amenable to transferring land to the Town as proposed. c. Warrant Articles: Tom Wallace presented two proposed Warrant Articles regarding the “accessibility” project as follows: Land Acquisition from Church Rumney Planning Board review - “Lot Line Adjustment” Article 24: To see if the Town will authorize the Town (Selectmen?) to negotiate and complete a Lot Line Adjustment for acquisition of a portion of land from the Rumney Baptist Church to allow for the proposed expansion of the Library and to insure that the Library’s existing septic system is located on Town property and further to vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $ 600.00 to complete the same. Selectmen recommend this article. • It was noted that the amount ($ 600.) did not include any legal fees, such as from the Town’s Attorney. Trustees agreed to submit Article 24 as written, but to ask the Selectmen to factor in “legal fees” as needed. Phase 2 Grant from LCHIP (Mitigation money) Article 25: To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $ 40,000 for architectural design services and related expenses for the development of a single design to make the existing Byron G. Merrill Library building accessible to the disabled in a manner that preserves its historic character. Architectural design services shall include design development, preparation of bidding and construction documents, and bid phase services sufficient to allow the Library Trustees to obtain bids or a Guaranteed Maximum Price from qualified Contractors or Construction Managers for construction of the project. The entire amount of this appropriation shall come from the “Mitigation Funds” available to the Town as a result of the permit granted for the Groton Wind Project as administered by the State of New Hampshire Land and Community Heritage Program (LCHIP) office, with no amount to be raised by taxation. The Library Trustees are hereby authorized to apply for said funds and take any other necessary actions relating thereto. • Tom Wallace explained that the Article, as written, provided the option of using either a “Design-Bid-Build” contract method for construction of the project or a “Construction Manager” contract which involves the Contractor in the design. He indicated that, based on his experience, the latter method offered some advantages to the Library. Trustees agreed to submit Article 25 as written. Meeting adjourned at 2:20 pm. Next meeting to be scheduled as needed

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Rumney Library Trustees - 11/29/2012

BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES – APPROVED ON 1/10/2013 BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH Nov. 29, 2012 – 1:00 p.m. REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes Nov. 7, 2012 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the minutes as corrected. The motion was passed. 2. Treasurer’s Report a. Account Balances - $100,372.89 b. 2012 Spending “to date” – We are within budget and should be able to include the cost of the oil tank replacement with this year’s funds. 3. Library Director’s Report - Jim and I enjoyed our time on the road traveling through nineteen states. Our goal was Dallas, Texas, and we enjoyed time with our son. During this time Rachel and Sheila kept the library running smoothly. OLD BUSINESS 1. Status Oil Tank Replacement – The new tanks are in place in the boiler room. Carl Doe will rotate the boiler next week and connect the new tanks. 2. Updated Capital Improvements request – We postponed discussion at this time. 3. Feasibility Study – Disabled Accessibility a. Cash Flow Projection - $18,725.00 of the $25,000.00 has been spent at this point. The remaining Architect’s fee is $4,440.00. Allowing $300.00 for miscellaneous expenses the total projected expense is $23,465.00. We are still in hopes of doing an Energy Audit and/or a Hazardous Materials Survey with the remaining funds. b. Status – Architect’s Study Report (Vol. I & II) • Presentation Drawings – We reviewed the drawings and they will be updated. • Updated Budget – The Architects’ Revised Estimate has increased to $545,700.00 due to the need to use a full elevator rather than a LULA elevator. c. Next steps: After reviewing and discussing Vol. I of the November 28, 2012, “Accessibility Feasibility Study”, the Library Trustees decided to present three Warrant Articles regarding the project at the March 2013 Town Meeting. The exact wording has not been developed but will be something like this: 1. Authorize the Town to complete the ‘Lot Line Adjustment” with the Church. 2. Authorize the Library Trustees to apply to LCHIP for a Grant to fund further design development through preparation of Construction Documents sufficient to obtain Bids. 3. Add additional $5,000.00 to the Library Capital Reserve Fund. NEW BUSINESS 1. NH AG Office letter re: “Rumney Public Endowment Fund” – A letter, dated November 14th 2012, received from Terry Knowles at the Attorney Generals Office was reviewed. After discussion, the Trustees decided that they did not wish to terminate the “Rumney Public Endowment Fund”. Tom will send a follow up letter advising them of our decision. 2. Other New Business – none The meeting was adjourned at 2:12 PM

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Rumney Library Trustees - 11/7/2012

MEETING MINUTES - APPROVED BOARD OF TRUSTEES BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH Nov. 7, 2012 Meeting began at 1:00 PM. Present were Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, and Leina Smoker. REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes Sept. 27, 2012 Meeting It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the minutes for 9/27/2012 with the following addition under NEW BUSINESS: b. 2013 Budget Planning: Selectmen have scheduled meeting on October 1, 2012 to begin 2013 Budget Planning process. Tom will be away and cannot attend. Roger will attend in his place. It was agreed that the Library will submit a Budget request totaling $ 37,730.00 comprised of an Operating budget of $ 37,730.00 funded by the Town (same as 2012) and no expenditure of Trust Fund money for building maintenance work. 2. Treasurer’s Report a. Account Balances: $ 101,090.82 b. 2012 Spending “to date” report reviewed. c. Copy of 2013 Budget as submitted to Town distributed 3. Library Director’s Report (None – Susan away) OLD BUSINESS a. 2012 Endowment Fund Projects Status a. Chimney re-pointing work has been completed by Benjamin Billin, as authorized. b. Tom Wallace reported he had painted the trim around the main entry door as well as most of the basement windows. He also made a temporary replacement for the sill at one of the basement windows, on the north side, which will need a permanent repair next Spring b. Feasibility Study – Disabled Accessibility 1) Tom Wallace outlined the Architect’s Study Report (Vol. I & II) which he had received in electronic format from the Architect. He identified the following concerns: • The report identifies Schemes E-1 and F-1 as the viable options with E-1 requiring land acquisition. Scheme F-1 limits new construction to within the existing library property boundaries. Tom advised that F-1 may not be feasible as it places the edge of new construction on the existing rear property line. • Tom also reported that, after further investigation, the Architect advises that a LULA elevator is not allowed by the State for our application. This results in a more expensive project and makes it more difficult to keep the historic character of the building and to fit the construction on the library’s site. • Tom expressed disappointment that the report did not include 3-D illustrations of Schemes E-1 and F-1, which would help evaluate how the new construction would integrate with the existing building. • Tom advised that he contacted the Architectural Historian and asked if relocating the Lower Level Stage, as proposed in both Schemes E-1 and F-1, had a negative impact on the historic character of the building. The Historian, he reported, advised among other things; that this would depend on how significant the Stage was to the history of the building’s use. Consensus reached among Trustees that the Stage could remain “as-is” in both Schemes E-1 and F-1 thereby helping to reduce the project cost. • Tom commented that he was not sure that the location of the new “accessible” toilet room in the Basement (Schemes E-1 and F-1) was the best location as it required a sewage ejector and would be difficult to monitor. He noted that, for Scheme E-1, it might be possible to locate the toilet room at grade level adjacent to the new accessible entry. • Tom noted that the report did not include an evaluation of the existing building and building system. He will ask the Architect to add this to the report. 2) The suggestion to the Library made at the Oct. 22 Selectmen’s meeting that the Library propose a Warrant Article at the 2013 Town Meeting to fully fund the project was discussed at length. Leina Smoker expressed concern that the project cost would be a very hard “sell” and that people would want to know how the cost would affect their taxes. Roger noted that a Bond issue, perhaps for 10 years, would significantly reduce the impact. A possible strategy discussed was to have a 2013 Warrant Article with a Bond issue to fund the project with, in the event that this Article failed, “back-up” Warrant Articles that would allow the library to proceed with land acquisition, final design, etc. and, then, present a Warrant Article in. This would allow the Library the opportunity to pursue grants and to implement a fund raising campaign, both of which could reduce the amount needed by Town appropriation. No decision reached. 3) The need to ask the Town to add and additional $ 5000. to the Library Capital Reserve Fund was discussed. No action taken. 4) The possibility of including a Hazardous Materials Survey or an Energy Audit into the Study was discussed. Tom advised that it looked like there might be around $ 1500. available from the original $ 25,000. LCHIP Grant for this. No action taken. 5) Status of negotiations with the Rumney Baptist Church regarding land acquisition for the accessibility project was discussed. Leina advised that the contact information requested by the Selectmen has been given to them. Leina also suggested that it might help with negotiations that the Church be reminded that the availability of a small meeting area in the library basement that would be made possible by the “accessibility project” as envisioned would available to the Church for their use. All three trustees felt this was a good idea. 6) After discussion, it was agreed that knowing whether the necessary land acquisition to implement Scheme E-1 was a possibility was essential in order for the library to make a recommendation to the Town. It was agreed that the first priority for the Library was that this acquisition, if possible, be addressed at the 2013 Town Meeting. NEW BUSINESS a. Roger Daniels reported that, after discussion with the Rumney FD, Carl Doe has installed two new replacement oil tanks in the existing boiler room. The new tanks will replace the tanks currently feeding the boiler, one of which developed a second leak that was discovered on Oct. 20. Before the new tanks can be filled and used, the existing boiler must be re-oriented to comply with fire code regulations. Roger advised that Carl’s plan is to work around the Library’s schedule to complete this work. Tom Wallace reported that there appear to be sufficient funds in the 2012 appropriation to cover the cost for this work. b. Tom Wallace reported that the Library has been informed that the Café on the Common has applied for a liquor license and asked if the Library wishes to comment on this application. After discussion, the Library agreed that it would take no action on this request. c. The Rumney Planning Board has asked the Library to update its 2005 Capital Improvement Plan Projections. A copy of the 2005 Projections was reviewed. After discussion it was agreed that Tom would advise the Planning Board that they would work on and updated projection, but that the Library would need a better sense of how they were going to address “HC Access” before they could comply with the request. d. We will meet next after Susan’s return. The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 PM.

Rumney Library Trustees - 9/27/2012

BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES - APPROVED BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH Sept. 27, 2012 – 4:30 p.m. The meeting was opened at 4:30 PM. Present were Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker and Susan Turbyne. Dennis Mires and Steve Peach joined us. REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes Sept. 12, 2012 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the minutes for 9/12/2012 as read. The motion was passed. 2. Treasurer’s Report a. Account Balances - $95,798.61 as of 9/27/2012. b. 2012 Spending “to date” – We reviewed the report. c. Tom has requested the 4th quarter funding from Town d. Tom reported that LCHIP has advised that they are mailing second “installment” of Grant in the amount of $10,000. to the Town this week. 3. Library Director’s Report a. Library ‘Sign Up’ Month – We are pleased to have several new patrons who signed up this past month for library privileges. b. September Story Time with the theme, ‘Take a Closer Look’, concluded yesterday. Sixteen children attended the programs. The October series entitled “Fall in to a Good Book” will run for three consecutive Wednesday afternoons starting October 17th. The final session will kick off ‘Trick or Treat’ in Rumney Village. c. ‘Third Thursday’, when we are open until 8, took place last Thursday. We looked very nice with our coffee bar and Jim’s cookies in place but no one came including the heat! Carl came Saturday morning and all is well with the furnace. Our next ‘Third Thursday’ is scheduled for October 18th and will include cupcakes to celebrate Rachel’s birthday. Leina has promised to attend! d. Our new computer, which is for Rachel’s use, is up and running on the desk in the children’s room. Software was installed last week at Staples. e. I will be heading out Thursday, October 18th, for a few weeks of vacation. Rachel and Sheila will man the fort. There will be a slight change in hours while I am away. We will not be open Thursday morning and will be closing at 5 on Wednesdays and Thursdays. The temporary hours will be mentioned in the newspaper and will be posted on the front door. OLD BUSINESS a. 2012 Endowment Fund Projects • Chimney re-pointing – Proposal Benjamin Billin of Plymouth – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the proposal from Benjamin Billin of Plymouth in the amount of $900.00 to repoint the chimney with the provision that work will be paid for in full upon completion. The motion was passed. b. Feasibility Study – Disabled Accessibility • LU/LA Elevator: The architect reported that, in the Library’s case, the applicable codes allow for the use of a LU/LA elevator as well as apart of an “accessible path of travel”. Architect advised that the savings of a LU/LA elevator vs. a full elevator was approximately $ 55,000. Disadvantages of LU/LA elevator pointed out included that it does not allow a wheelchair to turn around inside cab. This might require backing out of the elevator. It was also noted that a LU/LA elevator would not have the same capacity as a full elevator. • Architectural Historian Update: Reported that reaction from Arch. Historian Liz Hengen to Schemes A through E was generally favorable with the exception of Scheme C which, she felt, had a negative impact on the existing Library building. • Architect presented new Schemes E-1 and H. Both Schemes incorporated LU/LA elevators rather than full elevator. Though reduced in size vs. Scheme E, Scheme E-1 still requires acquiring land to the north from the Rumney Baptist Church. Scheme H is possible without acquiring additional land. Architect presented updated cost estimates for Scheme E-1 and H. Both Schemes were estimated to have a construction cost of $ 343,000. and a total “Project” cost of $ 450,300. excluding land acquisition costs. Trustees agreed that Scheme E-1 was the preferred option in terms of function and its minimal impact on the historic character of the existing Library. • Trustees instructed Architect to send Schemes E-1 and H to Liz Hengen for her review and comments and prepare his Feasibility Study report based on these latest schemes. Architect to get copy of “Study” in draft form to Library for review in 2 to 3 weeks to allow Library to begin discussions with Town Selectmen for 2013 budget process. NEW BUSINESS a. Computer – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept a computer that has been donated to the library. The motion was passed. b. 2013 Budget Planning: Selectmen have scheduled meeting on October 1, 2012 to begin 2013 Budget Planning process. Tom will be away and cannot attend. Roger will attend in his place. It was agreed that the Library will submit a Budget request totaling $ 37,730.00 comprised of an Operating budget of $ 37,730.00 funded by the Town (same as 2012) and no expenditure of Trust Fund money for building maintenance work. We adjourned at 5:45 PM. b. Next Meeting: November 7, 2012 – 1:00 PM 2013 Budget Planning: Selectmen have scheduled meeting on October 1, 2012 to begin 2013 Budget Planning process. Tom will be away and cannot attend. Roger will attend in his place. It was agreed that the Library will submit a Budget request totaling $ 37,730.00 comprised of an Operating budget of $ 37,730.00 funded by the Town (same as 2012) and no expenditure of Trust Fund money for building maintenance work.

Rumney Library Trustees - 9/12/2012

BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES - APPROVED BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH Sept. 12, 2012 – 4:30 p.m. The meeting was opened at 4:30 PM. Present were Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker and Susan Turbyne. Dennis Mires joined us at 5 PM. REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes Aug. 23, 2012 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the minutes for 8/23/2012 as read. The motion was passed. 2. Treasurer’s Report a. Account Balances - $98,184.36 as of 9/11/2012 b. 2012 Spending “to date” – We reviewed the report. c. The check for Dennis Mires in the amount of $10,000.00 has been prepared by the town. 3. Library Director’s Report a. Library ‘Sign Up’ Month – We are continuing to encourage Rumney residents to sign up for a library card. We have mentioned it in the Plymouth Record each week and we are making posters to display around town. b. September Story Time is underway with the first event taking place this afternoon. The theme for this month is ‘Take a Closer Look’. c. Our ‘Festive Friday’ has turned into ‘Third Thursday’. We will be open on Thursday, September 20th until 8 pm. We are encouraging people who can not join us during our regular hours to stop by. Books checked out during these extended hours will be due the following month. We will offer light refreshments and have a monthly theme. d. We have a new computer which has been donated to the library and will be housed on the desk in the children’s room. Rachel is doing quite a bit of computer work and this will enable her to work on the computer and still see patrons entering the library. I would like to take the computer to Staples to have the software installed and the wireless connection added. e. On Monday and Tuesday of this past week, I had a house guest – Pam Burch, Director at Paul Library in Newfields NH. She was anxious to see our library and I wanted to see hers. We also visited seven other libraries and had a wonderful time – so good to get more ideas! OLD BUSINESS Feasibility Study – Disabled Accessibility - The Architect reported that he has received the corrected survey from Kevin French and that it contains the needed information for design. Leina Smoker reported that, based on her conversations with Church representatives, she felt that acquiring additional land from the Church, if needed, was possible. Dennis Mires presented drawings for two new options (Option F and Option G). The various options developed to date were reviewed. It was generally agreed that the Options with the addition off the rear of the Library, either to the north or west, offered the best solutions both for providing accessibility immediately and for long term use of the building. It was also agreed that a connection to the adjacent Town Hall was not a necessity at this time and could be considered as an “add-on” or “phased in” later. The Trustees asked the Architect to further develop option(s) that did not require acquiring land to the north from the Rumney Baptist Church in the event that this became an obstacle. The Trustees asked the Architect to determine whether applicable codes/ regulations allowed for the use of a platform lift or a LU/LA elevator in place of a full elevator to save space, money, etc NEW BUSINESS a. Accept Donations – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the memorial donations in the amount of $500.00. The motion was passed. • Donald Young Memorial Fund • In Memory of Ann Kent • OHD Booksales – We received $723.00 in donations. b. 2013 Budget Planning – Roger Daniels will attend the Selectmen’s meeting on the budget process, expectations, and timeline. c. NHLTA Area Trustee meeting in Warren on September 20th at 6 PM. Tom and Roger plan to attend. d. Other New Business We will meet next on Thursday, Setember 27th at the library at 4:30 PM.

Rumney Library Trustees - 8/23/2012

MEETING AGENDA MINUTES - APPROVED BOARD OF TRUSTEES - BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY - Rumney, NH August 23, 2012 – 4:30 p.m. The meeting was opened at 4:30 PM. Present were Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker and Susan Turbyne. Dennis Mires joined us at 5 PM. REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes: • June 20, 2012 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the minutes for 6/20/12 as read. The motion was passed. • Aug. 9, 2012 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the minutes for 8/9/12 as read. The motion was passed. 2. Treasurer’s Report a. Account Balances - $99,474.21 as of 8/22/2012 b. 2012 Spending “to date” – We reviewed the report. 3. Library Director’s Report a. The Summer has gone quickly. Our summer reading program, Dream Big, Read!, was a huge success! We hosted six story times with over twenty children attending. Each week we highlighted a book based on our nighttime theme and followed with games and crafts. We made spaceship launchers, dream catchers, owls, and more. On the last day, each child received a goodie bag to take home. As a special event for our reading program kids and for the community, we hosted “Creatures of the Night” at the Historical Museum. It was a fun and informative night as a naturalist from Squam Lakes Natural Science Center showed us an opossum, a porcupine, and an owl. Over 70 people survived the heat that night and were refreshed with owl s’mores snacks afterwards. Hats off to our assistant librarian, Rachel Anderson, for making our summer reading program so special. b. Old Home Day was a very busy day for us at the library. Due to dire weather predictions we set up our book sale inside with a tent (thank you Tom and Kathy Wallace) with two tables outside. Over 200 folks came into the library that day to attend our book sale or simply to say hello. We took in $619.58 from the sale of books and then continued our sale for the following two weeks. We ended the sale today and I am turning in $103.42. The final tally for the book sale is $723.00. Sheila O’Meara, my assistant, did a wonderful job preparing the books for the sale. (OHD Booksale: $ 619.58 – Deposited to M. Learned Inherit. Sub Acct. ) c. The American Library Association (ALA) and public libraries around the country have celebrated Library Card Sign-up Month every September since 1987. Our library is no exception and we will be noting this important month by reminding the Rumney community that the return on one’s library investment is huge when one takes advantage of our services and resources. We will be reminding parents that a library card is the most important school supply of all and the smartest card a student can own. d. Our September Story Time series will begin on the 12th and run for three weeks. The theme will be: “Take a Closer Look”. e. We have been talking about a once a month evening open house. One idea is “Festive Friday” taking place on the 3rd Friday of the month from 7 until 8. What do you think??? OLD BUSINESS a. 2012 Endowment Fund Projects – We reviewed our projects. • Chimney re-pointing • Exterior/ interior painting NEW BUSINESS a. 2012/ 2013 Heating season oil price - $3.349 ($.10 increase) a. Other New Business 5:00 pm. MEET WITH ARCHITECT 1. Feasibility Study Progress Report a. Survey update Review new/ revised Concepts – Dennis Mires presented drawings for two new options – Option Scheme D and Option E. Both Options involved additions to the rear of the Library and both had a connection to the Historical Society building which could be built as phases. The main difference was that Option E was shifted to the west so that it did not project as far into the Church property. Option D better maintained the existing symmetrical axis of the Library, but Option E seemed to offer better possibilities for architectural treatment of the new construction. Both options seemed worthy of further development. The Trustees asked the architect to develop another option that made the existing building “accessible”, but did not require an addition other than that for an Elevator/Lift. After discussion, it was agreed that an exterior ramp was not a viable solution due to the grade differential between the street and the Library’s Main Level and that Option C should include an Elevator/Lift on the west side of the library with a new entry at grade level connecting to both the Main and Basement levels . It was agreed that the Architect should, at this time, forward the options developed so far to the architectural historian, Elizabeth Hengen, to get her responses and input. Agreed that next meeting with the Architect would be Wed., Sept. 12 at 4:30 pm.

Rumney Library Trustees Minutes - 8/9/2012

BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES - APPROVED BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH August 9, 2012 – 6:00 p.m. Present: Roger Daniels, Leina Smoker, Tom Wallace, Susan Turbyne From Dennis Mires – The Architects, P.A.: Dennis Mires, Steve Peach MEET WITH ARCHITECT a. Feasibility Study Progress Report a. Schedule o Architects indicated they would work to meet the completion dates identified in the LCHIP Grant Agreement o Architect agreed to meet with Trustees on a regular basis, either weekly or bi-weekly through the Sept. 30 Phase 1 deadline. b. Review Concepts o Architect reviewed basic design features of existing building including the bi-axial symmetry of the building and the various materials/ colors on the exterior. o Architect briefly reviewed the simplest approaches to making the building accessible including ramping and elevators/lifts that would minimally affect the building footprint and indicated that these could be developed for review later. o For this meeting, two basic approaches that involved increasing the building’s footprint were presented. Option A: Extended the rear wing of Library (Existing Stack area) approximately 24 ft. toward the Church property. Included in the addition were a new entry at grade, and elevator, new stairs to both levels of the existing building and an accessible toilet. The shelving in the existing Stack Area on the Main Level would be reconfigured to meet “accessiblility” standards and to provide access to the existing Main Level. The existing “Hall” on the Basement level would be reoriented. The existing oil tanks would be moved into the existing Boiler Room to provided additional space on this level. Concepts for two possible exterior treatments of Option A were presented. A variation to Option A which involved a reduction in the width of the extended Stack wing was presented in order to keep the addition away from the Church’s paved drive/ parking area. The general feeling of the Library was that this was desirable. Option B: Involved an addition to the west side of the Library that also provided a connection to the Historical Society. In the addition would be entries (front and back) at grade, stairs to the Main and Basement levels of the Library, and elevator and accessible toilets serving both the Library and Historical Society building. Access to the Library’s main Level would be through the north window of the West Reading Room. The general feeling of the Board was that Option B had too much of an impact on the front of the Library, but asked the Architect to develop a similar scheme that connected to the Library further from Buffalo Road, possibly at the existing Stak Area. c. Role of Architectural Historian – Elizabeth Hengen o Agreed to keep Historian involved in design process as various concepts are developed and evaluated. d. Property Survey: T. Wallace advised that survey has not started , but that he would get in keep after Kevin French to have survey done. e. It was agreed that the Architect would next meet with the Trustees on Thursday, August 23 at 6:00 pm. to review revised and new conceptual plans. At this point in the meeting the Architects and Susan Turbyne left. REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes of June 20, 2012 Meeting (Postponed until next meeting) NEW BUSINESS 2. Donations Received – Donald Young Memorial Fund a. Wallace (Treasurer) reported that the following addition donations in memory of Donald Young had been received. Accept Donations o July 23 deposit - $ 375.00 (from 7 donors) o Aug. 2 deposit - $ 50.00 (from Town of Rumney) Moved by Daniels, seconded by Smoker to accept these donations totaling $ 425.00. Motion passed 3-0. b. Treasurer advised that Ruth Young has indicated to S. Turbyne that she would like donations received in memory of Donald Young be used to make the library accessible to the disabled. Trustees agreed that they would honor her wish. c. Treasurer reported that a separate Donald Young Memorial account has been established in the Library’s Citizens Bank Endowment account and that the donations received to date in this account totals $ 1,220. Next Meeting: Thursday, August 23, 2012 at 6:00 pm.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Rumney Library Trustees Minutes - 6/20/2012

MEETING MINUTES - Approved BOARD OF TRUSTEES BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH June 20, 2012 – 6:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order at 6:20 pm. Present were Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker. Susan Turbyne was away on vacation. REPORTS 1. Draft Minutes of May 23, 2012 Meeting were reviewed – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the minutes as read. The motion was passed. 2. Treasurer’s Report a. Account Balances – Total of $93,009.23 on 6/19/2012. This amount includes $795. in donations in memory of Donald Young deposited in the Library’s Endowment account (Citizens Bank). b. 2012 Spending “to date” – Report was reviewed. Noted that “Salary” account expended at 35% where “Year” is nearly 50% complete. Treasurer Wallace explained that June salaries have not yet been paid and that hours for the two Library Assistants are slightly less than those projected. 3. Library Director’s Report (None) OLD BUSINESS 4. 2012 Town Meeting Library Warrant Articles a. Endowment Fund Projects – Chimney re-pointing: Tom Wallace has two possible mason’s to contact regarding this work – Champagne’s Masonry (Roger Champagne) of Hebron and Lone Wolf Masonry (Larry Fernald) of Meredith – the latter suggested by Brad Eaton. Wallace is waiting until after Grant for Feasibility Study for Disabled Accessibility is in place to pursue. 5. Library Accessibility Project • Baptist Church Negotiations: Leina Smoker reported that she had contacted Mark Decoteau representing the Rumney Baptist Church and that he, and the Church, are open to discussions with the Library regarding possible acquisition of a portion Church property if needed to make the Library “accessible”. She also reported that the Church indicated they are also willing to consider entering into an agreement with the Town to clarify any boundary issues that may exist regarding the abutting Library and Church properties and that the Church was planning to contact (Kevin) French to, possibly, survey the Church property after learning that the Library planned to have him update the Library property survey as part of their LCHIP Feasibility Study. • LCHIP Grant Application Status Tom Wallace reported that LCHIP Board met on June 18 and voted to award Grant as requested, but with the condition that the Library engage an architectural historian to work with the architect to verify compliance with the “Secretary of the Interior’s Standards” for (Historic) Preservation. Wallace also reported that Amy Dixon of LCHIP had suggested four possible historians and that he had contacted two of them, Elizabeth Hengen of Concord, NH and James Garvin, former NH State Architectural Historian. Hengen proposed a not to exceed fee of $ 1000. (with a $ 100./hr. hourly rate) for her services. Garvin also indicated interest and was to discuss the requirements with LCHIP before offering a proposal. After discussion, it was agreed to modify the Grant Application to include the services of an architectural historian to confirm compliance with the “Secretary’s Standards” as required by LCHIP. It was also agreed that, to accommodate this additional expense, the Hazardous Materials Survey and the Energy Audit included as components of the study in the Grant Application would be part of the Study only if either, or both, could be afforded within the $ 25,000. limitation stipulated in the Warrant Article passed at Town Meeting. It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) that Roger Daniels, Chair of the Trustees, be authorized to enter into an Agreement to accept the LCHIP Grant under the conditions described above and to also enter into Agreements for the various Feasibility Study components for the Library. Motion passed. • Tom Wallace advised that he has arranged to meet with the Town Selectmen at their June 25 Meeting to discuss details of accepting the LCHIP Grant with the Selectmen. • Wallace indicated that once the LCHIP Grant and the Architect’s Agreement are in place, he will ask Dennis Mires to develop a schedule of when he would like to meet with the Library Trustees. NEW BUSINESS 6. Oil Tank(s) Replacement: Roger Daniels advised that Carl Doe is still working on finding a replacement tanks. Reported by Tom Wallace that Carl is also suggesting holding off on a “long term fix” until after the Feasibility Study for Disabled Accessibility is completed as the results of that study may suggest relocating the two oil tanks. Wallace also reported that the patched tank was inspected on June 19 and the patch is still holding. 7. Donations Received – Donald Young Memorial Fund: Tom Wallace distributed a listing identifying 20 donations from individuals and businesses totaling $ 795. given in memory of Donald Young. Wallace stated the he has deposited these donations into the Library’s Endowment account at Citizens Bank (in a separate sub-account). Moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the 20 donations totaling $ 795. received and deposited to dated. Motion passed. Next Meeting: To be determined

Rumney Library Trustees Minutes - 5/23/2012

MEETING MINUTES – Approved 6/20/2012 BOARD OF TRUSTEES BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH May 23, 2012 – 6:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order at 6 pm. Present were Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker and Susan Turbyne. REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes of April 18, 2012 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the minutes as read. The motion was passed. Review Draft Minutes Arch. Selection Committee Meetings: May 9 & 10, 2012 May 15, 2012 – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the minutes as read. The motion was passed. 2. Treasurer’s Report a. Account Balances - $94,290.49 as of 5/23/2012 b. 2012 Spending “to date” – We reviewed the report. c. Northway Checking – The account has been changed to a commercial account and is receiving interest as of April 1st. 3. Library Director’s Report Everything is going along fine. Rachel’s father passed away last week and she is in Georgia with her family. I believe she is flying home next Wednesday and will be back to work a week from tomorrow. Leina was kind enough to volunteer to come in and help but I felt that Sheila and I would get along fine and we have – the piles just aren’t going down. I put a card on the counter and folks have been signing their good wishes. I have purchased the 50 Shades of Gray trilogy by E L James because of the number of requests I have received. I am planning to take some vacation time in June and will be away one or two weeks. I will be in contact with Rachel and Sheila during that time. OLD BUSINESS 4. 2012 Town Meeting Library Warrant Articles a. Endowment Fund Projects – Chimney re-pointing (Dickie Duffy) Roger reported that he has not heard back from Dickie Duffy with a suggestion of a mason. Roger will keep trying to get an answer. 5. Library Accessibility Project • Review Grant Application Consultant/ Architect – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to select Dennis Mires, PA The Architects as our architect of choice. The motion was passed. Grant Amount- Grant Application Tabulations were reviewed using the following component amounts with totals of ranging from $ 23,790. to $ 24,890. Consultant (Architect) - $19,440.00 Survey - $2,500.00 to $3,000.00 Hazardous Materials Survey - $850.00 Energy Audit - $1,600 Misc Expenses - $500.00 After discussion it was agreed to identify the Grant Request Amount as “Not to exceed $25,000.” to provide a contingency for uncertain costs – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the amount not to exceed $25,000.00. The motion was passed. NEW BUSINESS 6. Oil Tank(s) Replacement – The leaking oil tank has been patched. Carl Doe is working on replacement tanks. Roger will find out the cost. Next Meeting: Wed.; June 20, 2012 at 6 pm (After LCHIP Meeting)

Rumney Library Trustees' Minutes - 5/18/2012

BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES - APPROVED BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH May 18, 2011 – 6:00 p.m. The meeting was opened at 6:00 p.m. with Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Lena Smoker, and Susan Turbyne in attendance. REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes of March 17, 2011 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Tom Wallace) to accept the minutes as read. 2. Treasurer’s Report a. Account Balances - $92,928.95 as of 5/16/11 b. YTD Income – Expenses – We reviewed our income and expenses as of 5/16/11. 3. Library Director’s Report – a. Rachel Anderson has joined our staff and is working Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings. In addition to her people skills she brings a background in graphic arts. She has already contributed to the weekly Plymouth Record column and completed two projects: setting up Spring Reading for our little ones and developing a new ‘how to’ flyer for our audio books. I am pleased to have her here. b. A new computer has been purchased – an updated Dell Inspiron using Microsoft 7 rather than XP. I am still learning how to work with the changes. c. Summer is just around the corner and we are laying plans to encourage the school children to make use of the library. Lena is acting as our liaison with the Russell School. OLD BUSINESS 4. Status - Town Master Plan Narrative – We plan to review and update our portion of the plan. 5. Lighting Replacement Project – The work is complete. a. NHEC Grant status – Tom will pursue this issue and see if any part of a grant is possible. NEW BUSINESS 6. Election of Trustee Officers for 2011 – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) that Roger Daniels continue as chair, Tom Wallace continue as treasurer and Leina Smoker take on the position of secretary. The motion was passed. 7. Remaining projects for 2011 using Library Endowment Funds a. Refinish front doors – Tom spoke with Craig Bixby about doing this repair. It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to appropriate the amount of $644.46 to do this project. The motion was passed. b. Re-wiring to eliminate remaining knob and tube circuiting – During the recent electrical project it was noticed that knob and tube is still in place and should be removed. We decided not to take on this project at this time. We will see about getting the one plug in the children’s room reactivated. 8. Boiler maintenance – We discussed annual furnace maintenance. Roger will talk with Carl Doe and come up with a plan. 9. NH Atty. Gen. Library Trustee/ Trustee of Trust Funds Seminars Shelburne: June 1- 10:30 am. to noon (Libr.) + 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm. Concord: June 7- 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm 10. Other Business Next Meeting: Wednesday, July 20th 2011 at 6 PM