Saturday, December 17, 2011

Library Trustees' Meeting - 12/14/11

The meeting was called to order at 6 pm. Present were Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker and Susan Turbyne.

1. Review Draft Minutes of Sept. 28, 2011 and October 13, 2011 Meetings¬
It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the minutes of the September 28th meeting as approved as read. The motion was passed.
It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the minutes of the October 13th meeting as approved as read. The motion was passed.

2. Treasurer’s Report
a. Account Balances - $99,902.83
b. YTD Income – Expenses – We reviewed our income and expenses as of 10/27/2011.
c. Projected YE Expenditures – We reviewed the projected end of year expenditures.
3. Library Director’s Report - Attendence at the library keeps us busy. The new fall/winter hours seem to be popular with our patrons and are much appreciated by the library director. The knitting group is now meeting on Thursday rather than Wednesday afternoons. This is working out nicely because Wednesday afternoon continues to be the busiest part of our week. One other change took place since our last meeting – we are now checking out books etc for three rather than two weeks. This has been well received by our patrons.
This week we completed the remodeling of our video/reading/gathering room. The videos have been rearranged, shelves cleaned up, and two comfy chairs along with a magazine table have been added. We have already received several very positive comments from our patrons.
Rachel attended a workshop on event planning recently and as a follow-up has planned a ‘Read-a-thon’ for the 8 to 12 year olds here at the library this Saturday afternoon from 4 until 5:30. She has several games planned and Jim will pick up and deliver the pizza about 5. I think it will be a fun time for our young readers.
We are considering being at the library on Halloween night from 5 until 6 unless we come to our senses! We have prepared a bookmark and will purchase candy to give out. Any event like this is good, positive publicity for our library.
We continue to receive a bag of dvds from our participation in the Scrooge and Marley dvd coop. We received 30 dvds for September and October and circulated half of them for a total of 25 checkouts. We are constantly monitoring the services we pay for.

4. Status - Town Master Plan Narrative – We plan to continue this discussion in the new year.

5. Remaining projects for 2011 using remaining Town Appropriation and appropriated Library Endowment Funds
a. Refinish front doors – Craig Bixby will be removing the front doors on November 10th and will proceed with the project.¬
b. Re-keying of entry doors – Tom will speak with Craig Bixby regarding the steps to take to change the locks.
c. Re-wiring to eliminate remaining knob and tube circuiting
Also, Rewire single receptacle + add additional outlets – Tom talked with the AES Electrical after our last meeting and they expect to begin work on Thursday, November 3rd.

6. Boiler maintenance – Roger will remind Carl Doe that the work needs to be done.

7. 2012 Library Budget – Due to Town November 14 – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to submit to the Town of Rumney our request for funds for the 2012 year in the amount of $37,730.00 to be appropriated by the town plus $3000.00 to be taken from our library endowment funds. We will also request that $5,000.00 be added to the Capital Reserve fund for the library accessibility fund. The motion was passed.

A date was not set for our next meeting.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Library Trustees' Meeting - 10/13/2011

The meeting was called to order at 6 pm. Present were Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker and Susan Turbyne

There were two items of business.
1. We discussed the budget for next year.
2. We discussed some electrical repairs that we would like to have taken care of before the end of the year. Tom moved that we authorize AES Electrical Contractors to proceed with the knob and tube removal per their March 27th 2011 proposal plus additional outlets not to exceed the 2011 appropriation. It was seconded by Leina Smoker and passed.

The next meeting will take place on October 27th 2011 at 6 pm.

Library Trustees' Meeting - 9/28/2011

The meeting was opened at 6:00 pm with Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker, and Susan Turbyne in attendance.

1. Review Draft Minutes of July 20, 2011 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the minutes as read.

2. Treasurer’s Report
a. Account Balances – $93,494.91 as of 9/27/2011
b. YTD Income – Expenses – We reviewed our income and expenses as of 9/27/2011.
c. Projected YE Expenditures – We reviewed the projected end of year expenditures.

3. Library Director’s Report
In August we had 665 patron visits and checked out 620 books and 190 videos/dvds. 29 people stopped in to use the internet. Wednesday evenings have been very quiet so I am interested in adjusting our hours for the fall and winter to make better use of my time.
Jan Serfass finished work here at the library on September 17th. She and her husband have now headed along to their new home in Pennsylvania. It was a pleasure working with her this last year. I am postponing looking for a replacement until we discuss our immediate goals for the library.
Rachel Anderson attended a workshop at Pease Library last week on events and came back with several ideas. She is making plans for a pizza read-a-thon to appeal to 8 to 12 year olds to be held late in October.
We have had a large number of items donated so I am currently going through them and deciding what can be added to our collection. We are making room in the computer room for some additional genealogy materials from downstairs as we have had several interested people in lately. We continue to write articles for the Plymouth Record on a weekly basis and host the Ladies Knitting Society monthly.

4. Status - Town Master Plan Narrative – Susan suggested that we postpone discussion of this narrative until we review our library goals (see #9a).

5. Lighting Replacement Project
a. NHEC Grant status – The scope of our project does not qualify us for the grant.

6. Remaining projects for 2011 using Library Endowm. Funds
a. Refinish front doors – Schedule ?? – Susan will be talking with Craig Bixby the middle of next month to discuss the work schedule.
b. Re-keying of entry doors – Tom will check out locksmiths.
c. Re-wiring to eliminate remaining knob and tube circuiting
Rewire single receptacle – Tom will talk A W S Electrical Contractors and schedule this project.

7. Boiler maintenance – Roger talked with Carl Doe. Carl will do an efficiency test once the cold sets in, clean the furnace and change the filter. We would like to continue this on an annual basis.

8. Town Facilities Committee
a. Report: Tour of Library – August 4 Tom hosted the group, showed them the building from top to bottom, and shared our plans for the handicap access.

9. 2012 Library Budget
a. Future Direction for Library: We took some time to discuss what we see in the near future for our town library. It was agreed that we do a good job meeting the needs of our patrons but we do want to continue to improve.
i. In order to serve the next generation of library users we need to computerize our collection. People today want to be able to see what we offer by looking on their home computer, reserve the items and know that they will be ready for them when they come to the library.
ii. We would like to make the downstairs attractive, accessible and available for group functions ie book groups, musical evenings, family games nights.
iii. We would like to offer regularly scheduled children’s programs.
iv. Although we would like to offer additional hours, it was decided to keep to the same number of hours but adjust them to accommodate our patrons. It was agreed to change to ‘fall-winter’ hours. Our new hours, starting immediately, are Wednesday 2-6, Thursday 10-12 and 2-6, and Saturday 10-1.
v. We then moved to a discussion of salary and looked at other libraries serving a similar population base and agreed to a raise for our director. It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to make this raise retroactive to September 1st.
vi. We discussed the need for an additional library helper and the skills we would be looking for in this person.
vii. We would like a cozy, inviting place(s) in the library for patrons who would just like to sit and read and have books, magazines, and newspapers available. We see two possible areas where this could happen and it is something we can move on immediately. Leina agreed to do some research on appropriate chairs.
viii. In addition to all of these things we would like to see happen, we will continue to work on a plan to make our library handicap accessible.
b. Next year’s budget – Due to the time, we agreed to postpone discussion of this item until our next meeting in two weeks.

10. Other Business - none

Our next meeting will take place Thursday, October 13th at 6 pm.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Library Trustees' Meeting - 7/20/2011

The meeting was called to order at 6:33 PM with Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker and Susan Turbyne in attendance.

1. Review Draft Minutes of May 18, 2011 Meeting/It was moved by Tom Wallace, seconded by Leina Smoker, and passed to accept the minutes as read.
2. Treasurer’s Report
a. Account Balances/$96,893.70 as of 7/16/2011
b. YTD Income – Expenses/Six months into the year we have spent 49.1% of our budget.
3. Library Director’s Report/We reviewed the plan for Old Home Day. Our annual book sale will run from 9 until noon. The library will be open from 10 until 2 with our historical scrapbooks on display.

4. Status - Town Master Plan Narrative/In progress
5. Lighting Replacement Project
a. NHEC Grant status/Tom is compiling usage statistics to present to the Coop.
6. Remaining projects for 2011 using Library Endowm. Funds
a. Refinish front doors/Craig Bixby is scheduled to work on this project late fall.
b. Re-wiring to eliminate remaining knob and tube circuiting/We are waiting for a cost and description of work needing to be done.
7. Boiler maintenance/Roger is communicating with Carl Doe to set up an annual plan.

8. Employees salaries reviews/Susan requested that we review the salary schedule in neighboring communities.
9. Library Security
a. Action(s) required: ie. change keys/We plan to change the lock on the front door at the time it is refinished. The same key has been used for many years and we have no way of knowing who has the keys.
10. Town Facilities Committee/Tom will give a tour to the Town Facilities Committee of which he is a member on August 4th at 6 PM.
a. Tour of Library – August 4 @ 6:00 pm
b. Accessibility Alterations – Options
c. Acquire/ swap Church property
11. NHLTA new Trustee workshops/Leina plans to attend the September 20th workshop in Newport.
Sept. 20 (Tues.); 5:00 to 8:00 pm.; Newport
Sept. 21 (Wed.), 5:00 -8:00 pm. Conway, Seabrook & Hooksett
Concord: June 7- 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
12. Other Business/none

The next meeting is scheduled for September 28th at 6 PM
Sept. 28-Prelim Budget

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Library Trustees' Meeting - 5/18/2011

The meeting was opened at 6:00 p.m. with Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Lena Smoker, and Susan Turbyne in attendance.

1. Review Draft Minutes of March 17, 2011 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Tom Wallace) to accept the minutes as read.

2. Treasurer’s Report
a. Account Balances - $92,928.95 as of 5/16/11
b. YTD Income – Expenses – We reviewed our income and expenses as of 5/16/11.
3. Library Director’s Report –
a. Rachel Anderson has joined our staff and is working Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings. In addition to her people skills she brings a background in graphic arts. She has already contributed to the weekly Plymouth Record column and completed two projects: setting up Spring Reading for our little ones and developing a new ‘how to’ flyer for our audio books. I am pleased to have her here.
b. A new computer has been purchased – an updated Dell Inspiron using Microsoft 7 rather than XP. I am still learning how to work with the changes.
c. Summer is just around the corner and we are laying plans to encourage the school children to make use of the library. Lena is acting as our liaison with the Russell School.

4. Status - Town Master Plan Narrative – We plan to review and update our portion of the plan.
5. Lighting Replacement Project – The work is complete.
a. NHEC Grant status – Tom will pursue this issue and see if any part of a grant is possible.

6. Election of Trustee Officers for 2011 – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) that Roger Daniels continue as chair, Tom Wallace continue as treasurer and Leina Smoker take on the position of secretary. The motion was passed.
7. Remaining projects for 2011 using Library Endowment Funds
a. Refinish front doors – Tom spoke with Craig Bixby about doing this repair. It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to appropriate the amount of $644.46 to do this project. The motion was passed.
b. Re-wiring to eliminate remaining knob and tube circuiting – During the recent electrical project it was noticed that knob and tube is still in place and should be removed. We decided not to take on this project at this time. We will see about getting the one plug in the children’s room reactivated.
8. Boiler maintenance – We discussed annual furnace maintenance. Roger will talk with Carl Doe and come up with a plan.
9. NH Atty. Gen. Library Trustee/ Trustee of Trust Funds Seminars
Shelburne: June 1- 10:30 am. to noon (Libr.) + 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm.
Concord: June 7- 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
10. Other Business

Next Meeting: Wednesday, July 20th 2011 at 6 PM

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Library Trustees' Meeting - 3/17/2011

The meeting was opened at 1:00 p. m. with Tom Wallace, Roger Daniels and Susan Turbyne in attendence.

1. Review Draft Minutes of January 26, 2011 Meeting
The final lighting cost was corrected to $7034.79. It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Tom Wallace) to accept the minutes as corrected. The motion was passed.

2. Treasurer’s Report
a. Account Balances - $97,672.17 as of 3/16/2011
b. YTD Income /Expenses – We reviewed our income and expenses as of 3/16/2011. We will request the next quarterly payment April 1st.
c. 2010 Town Financial Audit – The Audit took place in February.
3. Library Director’s Report
a. January and February went by quickly. In January we recorded 294 patron visits with 350 books and 147 videos/dvds being checked out. February brought 277 visits with 334 books and 94 videos being checked out. We were closed February 24th and 26th when the electrician was here.
b. We are very pleased with the new overhead lights. They look very attractive and give much needed light. We are looking forward to the final lights being installed soon.
c. The Ladies Book Club met on February 10th at my home to discuss the novel, Eternal on the Water by Joseph Monninger. We had a good turnout and it was fun having Mr Monninger as our surprise guest. He answered our many questions about the book and his writing career and shared some of his incites on the publishing world.
d. Eighty-two children’s books from the Libri Grant arrived and we have been busy processing them and plan to start displaying them today.
e. Our ‘Winter’ display of picture books has kept our youngest readers very busy. We track the books they read and are pleased that one youngster has read sixteen books from the selection. We have put together a ‘Spring’ display which is ready to go as soon as the snow disappears.
f. We have had two changes in personnel. Lara Croft, after just over one year here at the library, has moved out of the area and resigned her position at the end of January. Rachel Anderson is starting work today.
g. I am working on the Annual Report for the State of NH and plan to have it done within the next two weeks.

4. Status - Town Master Plan Narrative
We plan to review and update our portion of the plan.

5. Lighting Replacement Project
a. Work Status
AES Electrical completed the wiring and lighting in the lobby, children’s room and reference room. The office and young adult room is still to be done.
b. Bid Alternate No. 1 Option – $ 1,439.00: Complete lighting replace in Stack Area.
It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Tom Wallace) to move ahead with this project. The motion was passed.

6. Other Business – None

Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 18th, 2011 at 6:00 P.M. at the Library

Library Trustees' Meeting - 1/26/2011

The Meeting was called to order at 6 PM. Present were Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker and Susan Turbyne.

1. Review Draft Minutes of December 16, 2010 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the minutes as amended. The motion was passed.
2. Treasurer’s Report
a. 2010 Town Report – Financial. Tom submitted the proper reports to the town office.
b. 2010 Town Financial Audit is scheduled for March 1-3. A questionnaire has been completed and signed and will be returned to Plodzik-Sanderson.
c. Account Balances - $102,770.95
d. YTD Income – Expenses – We reviewed our expenses as of January 24, 2011.

Library Director’s Report - Lara Croft’s last day is Saturday as she is moving to the southern part of the state. It has been a pleasure having her here this past year. At this time I have no one in mind for her replacement.

The report for the Rumney annual report has been sent in. I am starting work on the report for the NH State Library which has approximately 100 questions to be answered. Tom will provide some of the financial information.

We are continuing to re-label our collection and enter the books into a computerized database. We are currently working on the biographies.

3. Status - Town Master Plan Narrative – This report is not needed for the time being so we plan to review and update our part of the plan.
4. Accept additional 2010 Donation – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the $25.00 donation from Joseph and Florence Leverone. The motion was passed.
Joseph/Florence Leverone – 12/31/2010 - $ 25.00
5. Lighting Replacement Project
a. Final Contract – Amt. $ 7,034.79 (vs. $ 7,190.11 due to math. error)
b. Work Schedule
• We will close the library if needed.
c. Bid Alternate No. 1 Option is pending Town Meeting approval

6. Transfer 2010 YE Disbursement Acct. Balance ( $ 1080.77) to Marion Learned Endowment Fund ( Citizens Bank CAP Sub-Account)
It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to move $1080.77 (entire balance) from the Citizens Bank Disbursement Account to the Marion Learned Endowment Fund.
7. Accessibility Alterations: Report/ Display for Town Meeting on March 10th
Tom will inquire about having a table at the polls and at the town meeting to promote interest in the library and in our future plans.
8. Other Business – none.

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 16th 2010 at 6 PM

It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to adjourn at 6:45 PM. The motion passed.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Library Trustees' Meeting - 12/16/2010


The Meeting was called to order at 6 PM. Present were Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker and Susan Turbyne.

1. Review Draft Minutes of December 16, 2010 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the minutes as amended. The motion was passed.
2. Treasurer’s Report
a. 2010 Town Report – Financial. Tom submitted the proper reports to the town office.
b. 2010 Town Financial Audit is scheduled for March 1-3. A questionnaire has been completed and signed and will be returned to Plodzik-Sanderson.
c. Account Balances - $102,770.95
d. YTD Income – Expenses – We reviewed our expenses as of January 24, 2011.

Library Director’s Report - Lara Croft’s last day is Saturday as she is moving to the southern part of the state. It has been a pleasure having her here this past year. At this time I have no one in mind for her replacement.

The report for the Rumney annual report has been sent in. I am starting work on the report for the NH State Library which has approximately 100 questions to be answered. Tom will provide some of the financial information.

We are continuing to re-label our collection and enter the books into a computerized database. We are currently working on the biographies.

3. Status - Town Master Plan Narrative – This report is not needed for the time being so we plan to review and update our part of the plan.
4. Accept additional 2010 Donation – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the $25.00 donation from Joseph and Florence Leverone. The motion was passed.
Joseph/Florence Leverone – 12/31/2010 - $ 25.00
5. Lighting Replacement Project
a. Final Contract – Amt. $ 7,034.79 (vs. $ 7,190.11 due to math. error)
b. Work Schedule
• We will close the library if needed.
c. Bid Alternate No. 1 Option is pending Town Meeting approval

6. Transfer 2010 YE Disbursement Acct. Balance ( $ 1080.77) to Marion Learned Endowment Fund ( Citizens Bank CAP Sub-Account)
It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to move $1080.77 (entire balance) from the Citizens Bank Disbursement Account to the Marion Learned Endowment Fund.
7. Accessibility Alterations: Report/ Display for Town Meeting on March 10th
Tom will inquire about having a table at the polls and at the town meeting to promote interest in the library and in our future plans.
8. Other Business – none.

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 16th 2010 at 6 PM

It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to adjourn at 6:45 PM. The motion passed.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Library Trustees' Meeting - 12/1/2010


The meeting was opened at 6:30 pm with Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker, and Susan Turbyne in attendance.

1. Review Draft Minutes of October 27, 2010 Meeting
a. It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the minutes as written. The motion passed.
2. Treasurer’s Report
a. Account Balances - $99,592.38 as of 11/30/10
b. YTD Income – Expenses: We reviewed our expenses as of 11/30/10.
c. Projected 2010 Expenditures – We reviewed our projected expenses for December.
3. Library Director’s Report
a. We were open eleven days in November with 375 patron visits and 440 books and 168 videos were borrowed. We remained open until 8 on Thanksgiving Eve as we usually do on Wednesdays and were quite busy.
b. Lara has completed her student teaching and has been working here a few hours on Wednesdays and Saturdays since she began in September. I do not know what her plans are for the months ahead. I am looking forward to having her or her replacement work the full week in the months ahead.
c. As you can see, we have moved from the fall season into the holiday season and will be displaying the remaining Christmas books and movies tomorrow. The lights in the window and on the tree upstairs are set to come on at 2 and go out at 10 each day.
d. We are looking forward to our Holiday Open House from 6 until 7:30 on Wednesday, December 15th. ‘Rhubarb Pie’ will be entertaining us with music and we are planning to serve punch and cookies. Hope you all can come.
e. We received information that the state library is putting together a group of libraries to subscribe to - our cost would be $100 for the year and I would like us to consider it. An individual membership is more than $100 a year.

4. 2010 Improvement Projects - Update
a. Refinish Entry doors – We contacted Paul Turley but nothing can be done until next year.
b. New Lighting Project – We have placed bid forms at several locations in the area and they are due back by Dec. 8 @ 4:30 p.m.
5. Review/ Discuss 2011 Budget Process
a. Budget to Selectmen – Tom emailed our budget request to the selectmen on October 29th.
b. Budget Committee Review – We are waiting for the date.
c. Publish for Town Warrant/ Town Meeting in March

6. Review Town Master Plan Narrative – A group of citizens are currently working to update the Town Master Plan. We reviewed the article on the library and felt that it needed to be reworked in places. Susan asked if this could take place after the holidays.
7. Review/ Discuss 2010 Year End Spending – We discussed these two projects and decided to postpone any decision until we have seen the bids on December 8th.
a. New lap top computer for Library Director
b. Lighting upgrade project
8. Other Business
a. Ancestry.Com – Roger Daniels moved (and Leina Smoker seconded) that we appropriate the annual fee of $100.00 to participate with NH libraries accessing this service. The motion was passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.

Library Trustees' Meeting - 10/27/2010


The meeting was opened at 6:30 pm with Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker, and Susan Turbyne in attendance.

1. Review/Approval of Minutes from 10/6/2010 – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the minutes as written. The motion passed.
2. Treasurer’s Report
Account Balances: Total Assets - $103,567.65
3. Library Director’s Report – October has been busy. Thus far this month 243 people have come in and checked out 377 books and 110 movies. Our second program in the Lakes Region Reads was held last Thursday night next door at the historical museum. The choir from the Wentworth Community Church entertained us with a selection of songs from the 1940s – it was most enjoyable. Facilitator Marcia Schmidt Blaine led the discussion of 1940s memories here in Rumney. Roger Daniels was able to tape the program which will be available for future generations. Six of our patrons traveled to Meredith this past Sunday afternoon to meet Annie Barrows, the author of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Our Ladies Book Club will meet on November 4th to discuss this novel. Our cataloguing projects continue with attention being given to the 800 section.

4. 2010 Improvement Projects -
Refinish Entry doors – Contractor has been contacted, have not heard back
New Lighting Project – Tom contacted the Coop but our project is not big enough to qualify for their grant at this point.

5. 2011 Budget
Operating Budget - It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the amount of $36,130.00 for the town appropriation of our budget for the next year. The motion passed.

Library Trust Fund Expenditure Authorization - It was also moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to request $3000.00 for lighting upgrades, $500.00 for front door refinishing, and $500.00 for collection development to come from our endowment funds. The motion was passed.

Accessibility Project Capital Reserve - It was also moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to request $5000.00 to be added to the Library Accessibility Capital Reserve Fund. The motion was passed. Tom will submit the paperwork to the town.

6. New/ Revised Town of Rumney Policies - We reviewed the policies and discussed some possible conflicts with public library application.

7. Other Business – The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, December 1st, 2010 at 6:30 pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 8PM.

Library Trustees' Meeting - 10/6/2010


The meeting was opened at 6:30 with Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker, and Susan Turbyne in attendance. Also in attendance was Jan Serfass.

Review/Approval of Minutes – June 2, 2010 - It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the minutes as written. The motion passed.

Welcome Leina Smoker – Since our last meeting, Jan Serfass resigned as a trustee. We thank her for seven years of service to our library and community. We welcomed Leina as the new member of the board and we look forward to having her work with us. The NHLTA Library Trustee Manual has been ordered for her.

Secretary function – For the time being Susan will be doing the minutes for our meetings.

Treasurer’s Report
Account Balances – Total Assets: $95,905.96
YTD Income – Expenses – We have spent 64.6%, $21,702.40, of our approved budget as of September 30, 2010
Projected 2010 Expenditures were discussed.

Library Director’s Report
We are very much involved in ‘Lakes Region Reads’ which is taking place at this time. The basic premise of this project is that readers at eighteen of our area libraries are reading the novel, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows, the story of the people on the island of Guernsey during WWII. The story, through letters, tells of the heroism of the people as they survived German occupation. Our library display to call attention to this period in history includes our collection of Life magazines from 1941-1945, town reports from that time, and some of our books and videos.
Over forty events have been planned. Some of the events are:The Kick-off Event took place this past Saturday at the Wright Museum in Wolfeboro, NH, a museum illustrating 1940s home life and celebrating the heroic efforts of ordinary people during this time. Well-known journalist Mike Pride discussed his book We Went to War featuring narratives from NH veterans and their World War II experiences. Free copies of the book The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society were given out and ice cream was served. It was an enjoyable afternoon. The next event is planned for this Saturday in Stow MA and will feature antique vehicles, military vehicles from this era and some re-enactments. On Friday, October 15th, in Gilford, visitors will be able to see what a day in the life of a soldier was like, sample MREs (Meals Ready to Eat), and try on a uniform.
Ann Barrows, co-author of the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, will hold a question and answer presentation at the Inter-Lakes High School auditorium and there will be an opportunity for book signing.
The culminating event on November 6th will be a Big Band Concert at the Tilton Veterans Home. The Lakes Region Big Band will headline a USO-themed concert to celebrate our veterans with music from the Big Band era.
Three events were planned here in Rumney. These events are a joint effort between our library and the Rumney Historical Society and are supported in part by a grant from the Humanities Council of New Hampshire. The first event took place last month when historian Marcia Schmidt Blaine did a power point presentation on life here in Rumney during the WWII years. The event was well attended and well received and everybody enjoyed the homemade pies we served after the program. Marcia is returning on Thursday, October 21st, for a follow-up program when local residents will share some of their reminisces of the war years. We have been handing out free copies of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society at the library and will gather for a book discussion on Thursday, November 4th. Jim is hoping to make potato peel pie for the occasion.
In addition to our everyday tasks we have several cataloging projects in the works - juvenile non-fiction (Jan) - John Serfass will be adding front pieces to the display to better show the books, the 800s (Lara), and the 900s (me).

Unanticipated Income – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the donations (from donations and the Old Home Day Book Sale) received since June 2nd, 2010, in the amount of $613.25. The motion passed.

2010 Improvement Projects - Update
Refinish Entry doors – Work on doors has not been done. Susan will speak with Paul Turley again.
New Lighting Project – Tom has been meeting with people from Laconia Electric to
get suggestions for our lighting. He has also investigated an energy improvement grant with the NH Electric Coop – they would pay for 50% of the cost of lighting. Bill Johnstone from NH Electric Coop will visit the library tomorrow morning to assess our needs.

LIBRI Foundation Book Purchase -It was moved (Roger Daniel) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to use $350.00 from the Old Home Day Book Sale for the Libri Foundation book purchase. The motion passed.

2011 Budget – Tom and Susan attended the selectmen’s meeting on September 20th to discuss the budgets for the next year. The selectmen have asked that the proposed budgets be submitted by November 1st.
2011 Operating Budget – We need to think about next year’s requirements. We discussed increasing hours.
2011 Library Trust Fund Expenditure Authorization – We need to think about projects and money needed.
Accessibility Project Capital Reserve – We are going to request $5,000.00 to go into the fund.
Other Business – The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 27th at 6:30 pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Library Trustees' Meeting - 6/2/2010

In Attendance: Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Jan Serfass, Susan Turbyne

Minutes were reviewed from the April 7, 2010 meeting. Roger made a motion to accept as amended. Tom 2nd. All in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report: Tom gave an accounting of expenditures to date. As of 6/1/2010 there was $96,100.01 in all accounts.

Library Director's Report: Susan noted that Dorothy Kelsall retired from the library in April after serving 15 years at the checkout desk. Jan will send a note and some flowers as a Thank You. Pat Reynolds will begin working part time to help out at the desk. The book club met with 9 women discussing “Mao’s Last Dancer”. The Knitting Club is still meeting once a month and a Tea & Poetry afternoon was held in April. Susan finished the Master Plan and submitted it to the town. A Pajama Party was well attended by the children. The blog and Facebook were updated and Susan has been submitting articles to the newspaper on various activities being held in the library.
The Trustees and Susan discussed a problem with overdue books. After several attempts by phone and letters, Susan will send a certified letter stating state laws concerning books that are not returned to the library and the fines that accrue.

Old Business: Painting of the computer/teen room is completed and the bookshelves are finished. The refinishing of the front doors has been contracted and will hopefully get done soon. Tom and Susan are still working on the new lighting for over the desk.
Old Home Day is August 14
Historical Society Ice Cream Social is July 24 at 1:00

With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:30.
Next meeting. September 8, 6:30 PM