Thursday, August 28, 2014

Rumney Library Trustees - 7/18/2014

MEETING MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH July 18, 2014 – 1:30 p.m. The meeting was opened at 1:00 PM. Present were Library Trustees, Roger Daniels, Leina Smoker and Tom Wallace, Library Director, Susan Turbyne and Kathy Wallace. Note: It was agreed to address the Fundraising group for the “Accessibility project progress report by Kathy Wallace as first item on the Agenda OLD BUSINESS 1. Kathy Wallace reported that: a. The fundraising group will have tables at both the Common and the Library for Old Home Day on August 9. They plan to present information about the project and its need, and will provide an opportunity for people to make donations to the project. A focus of the OHD effort, and all the efforts of the fundraising group, will be to encourage all Rumney citizens to participate in the fundraising at whatever level they can afford. b. The group plans to offer engraved bricks for sale as a fundraiser with the bricks being used as part of the new entry walk to the proposed new accessible entrance. Bristol was very successful with a similar effort related to their new library addition and is now on a second “round” of brick sales. Cost per engraved brick is $ 16.50 (each) that will be available for a donation of $ 75. Samples and information on purchasing bricks will be available at Old Home Days. c. An organized effort will be started in late summer to raise donations from “key donors”. The fundraising group is compiling a list of potential donors. It is anticipated that solicitation of donations will be done by other donors. d. All money raised will be transferred directly to the Library. As a “governmental” entity, donations will be “tax-deductible” for donors. e. Brad and Lorrie Eaton have offered to make a fundraising sign to reflect progress made as it is made. The location of the sign is to be determined. f. As part of their efforts to educate the Town citizens about the project, the fundraising group plans to highlight that, by making both levels of the library “accessible” to the disabled, it will open up possibilities for new and expanded use of the library by all Rumney citizens. (Note: Kathy Wallace left meeting at this point) REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes: May 14, 2014 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the minutes as read. The motion was passed. (Note: No meeting on June 11, 2014 due to lack of quorum) 2. Treasurer’s Report. a. Account Balances – Tom reported that through July 17, 2014, account balances are: Checking Acc’t: $11,521,.14 Disbursement Acc’t. $ 177.80 Library Endowment Acc’ts. $87,985.10 b. 2014 Spending: $ 19,373.46 (51.35% of appropriation). It was noted that it was necessary to replace the building’s water pump at a cost of $ 540. This was an unanticipated “maintenance” expense and will have to be offset by a reduction in other line item(s). 3. Library Director’s Report (None) OLD BUSINESS 1. Accessibility Project a. LCHIP Grant: A Draft copy of the Grant Application for the remaining $25,000. in the Groton Wind Farm Mitigation Fund (Phase 3) was discussed. The Trustees plan to apply this amount toward the construction cost of the project. Tom reported that LCHIP has advised that the Library could submit the Grant Application for the remaining funds for review/ action by the LCHIP Board of Directors at either their Sept. 2014 or Jan. 2015 meeting. It was agreed to submit the application for review at the Sept. 2014 meeting. b. The Project Budget, with both Expense and Income components, was reviewed. After discussion it was agreed to remove the $ 20,000 allocated for Furnishings and Equipment from the Expense side thereby reducing the Expense total to $ 356,500. This was done because it appears more likely that funding for this item, primarily new bookcases, might be secured as a grant through Rural Development after construction of the project is authorized. Also, if additional funding through a grant for this item cannot be secured, Susan felt that existing the book shelving could be made to suffice. c. Tom reported that he will present the Phase 3 Grant Application for the remaining $ 25,000. to the Selectboard at their meeting on July 21 and ask for their approval/ signatures to submit LCHIP. It was moved (Tom) and seconded (Leina) to have Roger sign the Groton Wind Farm Mitigation Fund Grant Application for the Library. d. The Trustees reviewed the latest architectural plans developed by the architect. NEW BUSINESS 1. Granite benches: Susan reported that she had been approached by Gail Carr asking about having the second granite bench in front of the library engraved with her mother’s name. The family had contributed money toward the entry project in 2004, at the time of the library’s centennial celebration, as a memorial to Donald and Muriel Kenneson. At that time the first bench was engraved with Donald Kenneson’s name. The trustees agreed to have the second bench engraved with Muriel Kenneson’s name as the family originally intended. Tom will investigate what would be involved to accomplish this and report back. Next Meeting: Not Scheduled

Rumney Library Trustees - 5/14/2014

MEETING MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH May 14, 2014 – 12:30 p.m. The meeting was opened at 12:30 PM. Present were Library Trustees, Roger Daniels, Leina Smoker and Tom Wallace, and Library Director, Susan Turbyne. REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes: March 20, 2014 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the minutes as read. The motion was passed. 2. Treasurer’s Report a. Account Balances – Tom reported that as of May 12th, 2014, account balances are: Checking Acc’t - $7,573.13 Disbursement Acc’t - $366.85 Library Endowment Acc’ts - $87,983.63 b. 2014 Spending: $ 14,149.47 (37.5% of appropriation). It was noted that fuel oil expenses for year are at 83% , but that tanks are approximately ¾ full and there should be no more deliveries until Nov. 2014. 3. Library Director’s Report – After being away for four weeks, I returned late April to find everything in order. I was able to keep up with email and book requests while traveling. Since my return, we have prepared for a new session of Story Time featuring the 2013 Ladybug books. Rachel has put together suggested activities for our young readers in the back of each book. Last Friday I attended the Small Libraries Conference in Concord. This is sponsored by the state library and offers three rounds of presentations as well as a lunch. The first session was on privacy, the second on making patrons feel welcome, and the third had to do with promoting the library technologically. I came away with many good ideas and enjoyed spending time with librarians from similar libraries. I was the lucky winner of five new children’s books! Yesterday, Jim and I drove to Bath, NH so that I could attend a children’s book review at the Bath Public Library. We will receive eight free books for our library because I attended. Today I received an invitation to a workshop to be held in Concord On Tuesday, June 10th... an e-Court testing session. Attendees will learn about e-Court and will be able to test out the e-Filing program that self-represented parties can use to electronically file small claims cases. Starting July 30th, all small claims cases in the Plymouth area will must be filed electronically. It is becoming more of a challenge to serve our patrons electronically. Next week Sheila will leave for a two week vacation and Rachel will be off the last two weeks in June. We will be busy the next few weeks preparing for the Summer Reading Program which will begin early in July. OLD BUSINESS 1. Status: Installation of safety valve discharge piping per boiler inspection: Carl Doe has installed the discharge pipe. Subsequently , the automatic fill control for the boiler was found to be malfunctioning. Carl Doe adjusted this, then returned a few days later when we had no heat. Everything is now working. NEW BUSINESS 1. NHLTA Annual Conference May 19: Tom advised he will be attending this conference in Concord. 2. Accessibility Project a. Selectboard support: The Trustees and Susan discussed their (Tom, Roger and Susan) meeting with the Selectboard on May 5 Meeting to see how we might gain their support for the project at next year’s Town Meeting. The Selectboard (all three) seemed in agreement that the project cost to the Town and its effect on the tax rate was their main problem and why they did not support the project at this year’s Town Meeting. It was suggested that we fund-raise in order to reduce the net cost to the Town. b. Updated Project Budget: Tom presented an updated Project Budget using an estimated inflation rate of 5% for 2015 construction resulting in a revised Project Budget Cost of $ 376,500. c. 2015 Town Meeting presentation: We discussed how to proceed toward next year’s Town meeting. In general, it was agreed to: • Present essentially the same design as this year. • Have the Architect and Construction Manager refine and develop the design and obtain firm bids for the work that can be presented during the 2015 budget hearing process and at the 2015 Town meeting. • Work with LCHIP to complete the remaining tasks funded by the Phase 2 Groton Wind Farm Mitigation Fund ($ 40,000) and to apply for a Phase 3 Grant from the remaining Mitigation Funds that could be applied against the project’s construction cost. • To seek out and apply for additional Grants to offset the net amount of funding that will need to be sought from the Town at the 2015 Town Meeting. • Work throughout the year to better inform the public as to the need for the project as proposed. d. Supplemental funding: Tom shared information about an informal fund raising committee of Town citizens now forming. He also advised that donations to the Library would be “tax-deductible”, but that it might be better to have a new 501.3.c “Non-Profit” formed that could receive tax deductible donations and disperse the funds raised. Tom also reported that an offer has been made to design and build a fund raising thermometer (or elevator) to reflect fund raising progress. Also, the idea of using this year’s OHD Booksale as a fund raiser for the project was discussed. Susan expressed the opinion that this would be too big a project for the Library staff to handle and that it would be better if the event was a joint effort of the Trustees and the fund raising group. Leina suggested that we set an initial “target” of $150,000. For fund raising. This amount would include both fund raising proceeds and grants and, if reached, would reduce the additional funding required from the Town at the 2015 Town meeting to under $ 200,000. Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 11th at 12:30 PM

Rumney Library Trustees - 3/20/2014

MEETING MINUTES – Approved May 14, 2014 BOARD OF TRUSTEES BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH March 20, 2014 – 12:30 p.m. The meeting was opened at 12:30 PM. Present were Roger Daniels, Leina Smoker, Tom Wallace and Susan Turbyne. REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes: February 5, 2014 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the minutes as read. The motion passed. 2. Treasurer’s Report a. Account Balances – Balances total $92,315.60 (Disbursement Acc’t - $366.85 , Library Endowment Acc’t – $87,982.16, Rumney Library Acc’t - $3,966.59 ) b. 2014 Income/Spending to date – We reviewed this report. 3. Library Director’s Report In spite of the cold, snow, ice and no break in the weather, we recorded 310 patron visits and checked out 519 items during the month of February. We celebrated ‘Take Your Child to the Library Day’ on February 1st and were very pleased with the turnout… 60+ folks joined us and that included three new families who have started regular visits to the library. The children made colorful bookmarks, listened to stories, and decorated cookies. Rachel did her magic and made three of the children’s bookmarks printable and we have been giving them out to our readers. Children left with a book to keep with the message… ‘We’re so glad you visited the Byron G. Merrill Library today… hope you will come back soon!’ ‘Wacky Winter Transports’ was a nice break from the winter doldrums and we had a lot of children playing with Legos and this all resulted in a very colorful display on our round table. And then, of course, we had my birthday celebration… cards, balloons, flowers, good wishes, lots of attention, and three cakes… it was a fun day for all. Earlier this month Dr. Seuss took center stage and everyone had fun reading stories, making Dr. Seuss hats, and posing for photographs. We were approached by a group promoting ‘Got Lunch Rumney’, a program to provide lunches to children from low income families over the summer. We have displayed the poster and explained the program to anyone interested. We have several projects underway to better serve our family researchers. We are cataloguing the town histories. A volunteer group is duplicating Rumney obituaries and putting together an alphabetical binder. Kathy Sobetzer gave us a copy of the Ellsworth cemetery records and that is now in a binder. We continued putting genealogical records into plastic sleeves. All of these items are now easier to locate which makes it easier with the weekly requests we receive. And, of course, we continue to purchase and process books daily, put things away, dust, collect dead flies and do whatever we can to make our patrons’ visits pleasant. OLD BUSINESS 1. “Lot Line Adjustment” with Rumney Baptist Church – Status – It was reported that this project is officially done. The lot adjustment has been taken care of and there is now land available for our proposed addition. The papers have been signed and recorded. 2. 2014 Town Meeting Results a. Budget – Article 27 o Expenditures from L. Little and Ralph Berg Funds in 2014 authorized – $366.85 is available from the Berg donation. We also have $1,000.15 available from the Little fund. b. Addition to Capital Reserve – Article 29 passed at town meeting which added $25,000.00 to our capital fund. c. Bond issue – Article 2 o Completion of Phase 2 – The tasks left to complete ‘phase 2’ are: finalize the design, produce final drawings for bidding and construction, and request bids. Approximately $28,000.00 remains in the fund for this work. The remaining architect’s and historian’s fees will use $23,000.00 +/-. o Construction Funding Proposal – We reviewed ideas of how to go ahead with the ‘accessibility” project’. We agreed to talk with the Selectmen and seek their support. It was reported that a number of Townspeople have expressed their disappointment that Article 2 did not pass and their continued support for the project. It was also reported that group(s) are forming to help with fundraising. It was agreed, also, to continue to look for grants. o There was discussion as to how the Town Meeting presentation might have been improved. One suggestion was to pose questions that addressed specific questions of the voters. A second suggestion was to provide more emphasis on the value of the library to the Town. 3. Status: Installation of safety valve discharge piping per boiler inspection recommendation. Carl Doe has been reminded. NEW BUSINESS 1. Election of Trustee Officers – The officers will continue in their present positions: Chair – Roger Daniels, Treasurer – Tom Wallace, and Secretary – Leina Smoker. 2. Other New Business – none The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 pm.

Rumney Library Trustees - 2/5/2014

MEETING MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH February 5, 2014 – 12:30 p.m. The meeting was opened at 12:40 pm. Present were: Library Trustees Roger Daniels, Leina Smoker, and Tom Wallace and Library Director Susan Turbyne. REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes: January 8, 2014 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the minutes as read. 2. Treasurer’s Report a. Account Balances – as of 2/5/2014 total $96,493.14 (Disbursement Acc’t - $366.85, Library Endowment - $87,938.36, and Rumney Library - $8,187.93) b. 2014 Income/Spending to date - $ 4,096.99 (10.9% of budget) We reviewed the income/spending report. c. Town Audit – 2013 “Books” on Mar. 31, 2014 – Tom advised of this upcoming date. 3. Library Director’s Report - January was a strange month weather wise… days of rain followed by extremely cold temperatures… just the recipe for glare ice. I mention this because the weather very much determines our daily attendance. For the first time in ten years we had a day when even I did not venture over to the library… that was Saturday, January 11th, a very cold icy day. But our numbers for January still held up… 338 visits checking out 251 adult books, 269 juvenile books, and 101 videos/DVDs. January was a month for plugging along on our various projects. We added many new books to our collection including titles by Abi Maxwell (a NH writer), E L Doctorow, Faye Kellerman, Danielle Steel, Lisa Patton, Dorothy Benton Frank, Joshilyn Jackson, James Patterson, George Pelecanos, and Sue Monk Kidd. Two new titles by Bruce Heald have been added to the NH Room: New Hampshire and the Revolutionary War and New Hampshire and the Civil War. Several children have discovered the author Richard Peck so we have added another half dozen of his titles. Our featured mystery writer for January was John Dunning whose Cliff Janeway series all have a ‘book’ theme. We selected Amy Tan as our fiction writer of the month and displayed her newest book, The Valley of Amazement. All of the Christmas decorations have been packed up and we managed to cull a few items whose time had come. Several boxes of stored books have been brought up from downstairs and we have evaluated them for our collection with the remainder going towards next summer’s book sale. Several events have been planned for February including ‘Take My Child to the Library Day’ on the 1st, Ladies’ Knitting Club Valentine Party on the 13th, Wacky Winter Transports Lego Day/Valentines’s Day for the children on the 15th, and Nathan and Susan’s Birthday on the 27th. OLD BUSINESS 1. “Lot Line Adjustment” with Rumney Baptist Church – Status - We’re still waiting for the town attorney to do the revisions on the deed. Annie Dow is following up on this. 2. Accessibility Project a. Status- Acceptability of LULA Elevator as vertical Path of Travel – Tom advised that, at their meeting on Jan. 21, 2014, the State’s Gov. Commission on Disabilities declined to grant a waiver to allow us to use a LULA elevator located in the new addition as part of our accessibility project. Per the Board’s decision at the January 8, 2014 meeting, we will proceed with our next choice – Scheme J1, which includes a Platform Lift located in the existing building. b. Hazardous Materials Inspection: Tom updated us on the report from RPF Environmental regarding their Hazardous Materials inspection of the library building on . • The Inspection Report dated January 17, 2014 identified minimal hazardous materials that would be impacted by the proposed accessibility addition and alterations. The majority of Hazardous Materials found consisted of the asbestos containing pipe insulation and fittings in the Basement that should not be disturbed by the construction work. • A separate estimate for the abatement work identified the following amounts to be budgeted for: o “Rear” areas likely to be disturbed by the accessibility project: $ 3K o Full abatement including Basement asbestos: $8K to $12K o Both of the above exclude Specifications, Monitoring & Final Testing for abatement work c. Accessibility Project - Scheme J1R • Architectural Barrier Free Design Committee Mtg. Jan. 21, 2014: Tom reported that in declining the Library’s request for the LULA elevator waiver, the Committee suggested that the Architect contact the NE Access Board for assistance with our questions. Response by Board received by our Architect on February 4, 2014 confirmed that a platform lift located in the existing build would be acceptable. • Revised Drawings o Plans & Elevations – The Architect’s updated drawings showing a platform lift in the existing building and a new accessible toilet room in the addition were reviewed. They included plans and elevations. o Architectural Historian’s review & suggestions – Tom reported that Liz Hengen has seen the latest design drawings and has indicated that they are compatible with required “historical” standards. She also offered some suggestions regarding the windows in the addition and the treatment of the masonry base of the proposed addition. Tom reported that he has passed these along to the Architect. o Lift at Canaan Senior Center – Tom looked at the lift in Canaan, took pictures, and shared them with us. Tom advised that, if the project is approved by the Town, we will need to make some decisions regarding enclosure of the lift and operational controls. • Updated Cost Estimates/ Funding Sources: Tom reported that he had met with the Architect (Dennis Mires) and CCI (Jeff Downing) on Jan. 23, 2014 to discuss revisions to Scheme J1. Following that meeting, CCI updated their previous estimate for Scheme J1 and are recommending a revised “construction cost” amount (including CM Fee) of $ 285,215. This amount provides for relocation of the accessible toilet to the new addition and an enlarged addition to accommodate the toilet. • Tom presented two Project Budget options for consideration along with comparative Tax Rate impact that include the revised construction cost from CCI. The first included $ 15,000 for Hazardous Materials Abatement and associated specifications, monitoring, etc. that would allow for removal of all Hazardous Materials identified in the RFP Environmental report, including the asbestos materials in the basement. The second option included $ 5,000. for Haz. Mat. Abatement for limited abatement work addressing only those materials disturbed by the proposed construction. After discussion, it was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to revise the project budget to incorporate the “limited” Hazardous Materials Abatement cost estimate of $ 5,000. As a result of this action, the following were accepted by the Trustees: o Total Project Budget $ 371,215. o 10 Year Bond Amount: $ 344,595.  The upcoming Bond Hearing scheduled for 7:00 pm on February 10, 2014 at the RES was discussed. Proposed wording of Article 2 regarding the Library Accessibility Project and the associated Bond was reviewed and the following discussed: o All present were disappointed to learn that the Selectmen have decided to not recommend the Article. Tom advised that he had expressed is disappointment at the Selectmen’s meeting on February 3, 2014 and had asked if the Selectmen might reconsider this decision. He also reported that the Selectmen would be meeting later in the day (Feb. 5) and may reconsider at that time. o The wording of the Article was discussed with some discussion regarding the meaning of the following terms: “ $ 380,000. gross budget”; “$ 355,000. of bonds or notes…”; and “with the balance of $ _____? to be raised by taxation”. It was agreed that Tom should pass along the amounts for “Total Project Budget” and “10 Year Bond Amount” as accepted above to the Selectmen’s office and let them finalize the wording to reflect the Trustee’s intent. 3. Final 2014 Budget Requests (Status) a. Tom reported that the Town Budget Hearing will be on Feb. 10, 2014; 7:30 pm at the RES. He also reported that the Warrant will reflect the following as agreed to at the Trustees January 8, 2014 Meeting • Authorization to expend balance of Berg Trust in 2014 ($ 366.) has been added to Library funding Article. • Library Capital Reserve Fund request has been changed from $ 5000. to $ 25,000. 4. Status: Installation of safety valve discharge piping per boiler inspection recommendation.: Roger advised that Carl Doe is actively working on this correction and advised that Carl had also repaired the leaky faucet in the Library’s toilet room NEW BUSINESS (None) Next Meeting: None scheduled The meeting was adjourned at 1:37 PM.

Rumney Library Trustees - 1/8/2014

MEETING MINUTES – Approved 2/5/2014 BOARD OF TRUSTEES BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH January 8, 2014 – 12:30 p.m. The meeting was opened at 12:37 PM. Present were Roger Daniels, Leina Smoker, Tom Wallace, and Susan Turbyne. REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes: December 5, 2013 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the minutes as read. The motion passed. 2. Treasurer’s Report a. Account Balances – Balances total $94,151.95 (Disbursement Acc’t - $366.85, Library Endowment - $86,520.44, Rumney Library - $7,264.66). b. 2013 YE Income/Spending reviewed c. Donations: Received in month of December 2013 Marilyn Monahan $ 100.00 12/17/13 – No restrictions Susan Stephensen $ 200.00 12/27/13 – For Middle Grade Children’s books Motion: It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept these donations. The motion passed. 3. Library Director’s Report - none OLD BUSINESS 1. “Lot Line Adjustment” with Rumney Baptist Church – Status: We are waiting for the town attorney to make corrections to wording of “Deed” that will allow Church to sign . 2. Accessibility Project a. Status- Acceptability of LULA Elevator as vertical “path of travel”: Tom reported that at the meeting on January 21st of the State’s Architectural Barrier Free Design Committee (Abfd Committee) the Library will ask for a waiver to allow installation of a LULA Elevator in the proposed addition vs. a full elevator. b. Hazardous Materials Inspection: Tom reported that the inspection was performed on Dec. 30, 2013. The report, including estimated costs for abatement, should be coming soon. c. Design Scheme Options were reviewed: • Tom explained the Code/ Regulation requirements regarding elevators and lifts. If located in new construction, a “full-sized” elevator with minimum interior cab dimensions is required. If located in existing construction, the codes allow, in addition to a “full-sized” elevator; the use of either a smaller LULA elevator or a Platform Lift; both of which are less expensive than the “full-sized” elevator. • Scheme J1 o LULA Elevator vs. Lift: Tom has located examples of each in Canaan. Tom and Roger will attempt to visit. o Sketches showing a new Access. Toilet in addition and possible appearance of this scheme prepared by Tom were reviewed. Approval of appearance by Arch. Historian will be required, but appearance is very similar to designs already approved. o Chart showing Comparative Cost Estimates and Funding Sources (dated Dec. 30, 2013) was reviewed. Motion: It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) designating Scheme E1R with the LULA Elevator in the proposed addition as the Trustees first choice to present to Town. If a waiver to allow this option is not given by the State’s Abfd Committee at their Jan. 21, 2014 meeting; Scheme J1 with a Platform Lift located in the existing building is the Trustees next choice. The motion passed unanimously. d. Project budget adjustment: Tom advised that current Project Budget as set at June 27, 2013 Trustee Meeting is $ 300,000. Project Budget estimates for the Trustees first and second choices (per 2.c above) are: E1R: $ 434,632. J1 with Platform Lift: $ 363,000. Motion: It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to increase the Project Budget from $ 300,000. to $434,632. Motion passed unanimously. It was noted that this motion allows the Trustees to present either Scheme E-1R with LULA Elevator or Scheme J1 to the Town for vote at the March 2014 Town Meeting. e. Project Funding Options: Full appropriation in 2014, a Bond Issue, and RSA 32:7-a as project funding options were discussed and charts comparing the estimated effects for each on the Tax Rate were reviewed. Motion: It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to recommend to the Town that the project be funded by a 10 year Bond. The motion passed unanimously. 3. 2014 Library Budget/ Town Meeting Articles Request Revisions a. Adjustment to authorize spending of remaining balance of Ralph/ Evelyn Berg Revocable Trust in 2014: Motion: It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to add $366.85 to our request with the amount to come from the unexpanded balance of the Ralph/ Evelyn Berg Revocable Trust donation received in 2013. Motion Passed. b. Library Capital Reserve Fund: The Article for $ 5000. to be added to the Library Capital Reserve Fund initially included in the budget request (per Oct. 7, 2013 meeting) was discussed. It was noted that this Article will, by law, have to come after any Bond Issue Articles. It was agreed to increase this amount to $ 25,000. in the event that the Article to fund the Library’s Accessibility Project is defeated, but to amend the Article at Town Meeting to change the amount from $ 25,000 to $ 0.00 if the Project passes. Motion: It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to request that $25,000.00 be added to the Library Capital Reserve Fund at the 2014 Town Meeting. The motion was passed. c. Article for Accessibility Addition and Alterations construction • Design Scheme: First choice is Scheme E1R with LULA Elevator; Second choice is Scheme J1 with Platform Lift per Item 2.c above • Total Appropriation (Project Budget): Increase to $434,632 per Item 2.d above. o Funding Sources: From Library Capital Reserve Fund Full Balance ($25,000.+) From Library Held Donald Young Memorial Fund Full Balance ($ 1620.+) Ten Year Bond Issue (Per 2e. above) Remainder It was also agreed to seek and apply for additional Grants to fund the project, including the balance remaining in the LCHIP “Groton Wind Farm Mitigation Fund”, with the intent to apply Grant amounts received to reduce the amount of the Bond. 4. Status- Installation of safety valve discharge piping per boiler inspection recommendation.: Roger Daniels reported that he has spoken with Carl Doe and that Carl will install the required discharge at no cost to the Library. Susan also mentioned that the faucet in the toilet room lavatory is leaking steadily and that Carl may be able to make this repair as well. NEW BUSINESS 1. Agreed by the Trustees to request that the Town schedule the required Public Hearing for the Accessibility Project Bond Issue as part of the Town’s Budget Hearing on February 10, 2014. Next Meeting: None Scheduled. Agreed that Tom will meet with the Architect and Construction Manager on Jan. 23, 2014 (after the Abfd Committee on Jan. 21) to advise them of the Trustees decision on the selected design scheme so that they can prepare for presentation of the project to the Town at Public Hearings and Town Meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 1:35 PM.