Monday, August 19, 2019

Library Trustees - 6/1/2019

Rumney Library Trustees – APPROVED 8/18/19
June 1, 2019

The first meeting of 2019 was opened at 2:00 PM with Trustees Roger Daniels, Lorrie Eaton, and Stacie Winsor present. Also attending was Susan Turbyne, Library Director.

Election of officers for the ensuing year took place. Officers for 2019 are: Chairman – Roger Daniels, Secretary – Lorrie Eaton, and Treasurer – Stacie Winsor.

Lorrie Eaton moved that the minutes from our meeting on August 25th 2018 be approved as read. The motion was seconded by Stacie Winsor and passed. The approved minutes will be forwarded to the town office and placed on the Rumney Trustees blog.

A cash flow report for 2019 First Quarter (January 1 2019 thru March 31 2019) was presented. Lorrie Eaton moved that the report be approved. The motion was seconded by Stacie Winsor and passed.

A communication from our auditors, Plodzik & Sanderson, was presented. The questionnaire was then completed and signed by the three trustees. Stacie will mail it.

Susan reviewed the plans for our Family Fun Festival, chaired by Rachel Anderson, taking place at the library on June 15th from eleven until two and asked for the support of the trustees in making this fundraiser a success. It was first decided to change the hours to 10 til 1 with set-up starting at 9am. The event will include sales of books, plants, rummage and baked goods. Two antique cars will be on display for photo opportunities. There will be art activities and games for the children as well as a display and sign up table for our summer reading program. This will be a fun time for all ages.

Lorrie Eaton will organize a spring clean-up for around the outside of the library on Saturday, June 8th from 10 until noon. We took a quick walk around the building and started a list of tasks needing to be done. Lorrie will work on the task list and we will look for volunteers to help.

Roger Daniels will begin the process of replacing the apron around the front and sides of the building. He will explore how the apron was replaced by the furnace room at the time of our addition. Moving forward we will work to establish a description of the job in order to entertain bids. In addition, Roger will communicate with Carl Doe in order that heat be installed in the downstairs room between the new stairs and meeting hall.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Turbyne, Director