Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Rumney Library Trustees - 9/10/13

MEETING MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH September 10, 2013 – 2:30 p.m. The meeting was opened at 2:35 PM. Present were Thomas Wallace, Leina Smoker and Architect Dennis Mires Note: It was agreed to start the meeting by addressing “Old Business” pertaining to the Lot Line Adjustment and the LCHIP Grant to allow the Architect to leave after his attendance was no longer required REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes: June 27, 2013 Meeting – It was moved (Tom Wallace)) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the minutes as read. The motion was passed. 2. Treasurer’s Report a. Account Balances – As of Sept. 8, 2013, Checking - $9,007.56 , Library Endowment Funds - $86,517.56, Disbursement Acc’t - $ 771.65 (see Items 2.c and 2.d below). b. Income/ Spending “to date” – The report was distributed indicating YTD ‘operating expenditures’ as of September 8, 2013 - $23,456.35 c. Results from the 2013 OHD Book Sale were as follows: Cash - $ 564.68 Al Ports - $ 225.00 Sub-Total $ 789.68 + Pre-Booksale - $ 87.50 TOTAL $ 877.18 All deposited to Library’s Northway Chkg. Acct. Tom advised that, because these funds could be categorized as “Unanticipated Income”, and could be expended in 2013 at the Trustees discretion. d. Ralph Berg Revocable Trust: As authorized at the June 27 meeting. Tom reported that the library has made purchases totaling $ 228.35 in 2013 for Children’s series books against the $ 1000. donation leaving a balance of $ 771.65. e. Tom advised that we have been notified by the Selectmen’s office that the heating oil price for 2013-14 heating season (until Apr. 30 2014) will be $ 3.195. He believed that the 2012 price was $ 3.295. 3. Library Director’s Report - none OLD BUSINESS 1. Article 26: “Lot Line Adjustment” with Rumney Baptist Church – Status a. Tom reported that the a “Draft” Deed had been prepared by the Town’s attorney and sent by the Town to the Rumney Baptist Church for their review and approval, but that a response had not yet been received. He also reported that, subsequently, the Town’s attorney suggested some clarification changes to the Draft and, in reviewing these, he (Tom) and Anne Dow had discovered some other wording that needed clarification. As a result, the Town has asked their attorney to further revise the Draft “Deed” which will be forwarded to the Church for approval. It was noted that the Lot Line Adjustment issue will need to be finalized so that final design for the Accessibility project can proceed. 2. Article 27: LCHIP Grant Application (Phase 2) – Status a. Status: The Grant Application has been approved by LCHIP and that the Grant Agreement and the Architect’s Agreement have both been executed. b. Schedule: The Architect’s Preliminary Schedule was reviewed with a “key” upcoming deadline of CM (Construction Manager) Selection by the end of September 2013 noted. c. Construction Manager Approach: The advantages of proceeding with a Construction Manager were discussed and it was agreed to proceed with selection of a CM to propose to the Selectmen for their approval. d. Construction Manager Qualifications and Selection: Issues: The Architect reported that Qualification Statements had been received from seven firms and he delivered hard copies of these to the Library. Tom advised that he had previously received digital copies which he has reviewed and compiled into a comparative chart which was distributed. After review and discussion regarding all seven firms , three were selected as best qualified for the Library’s project. These firms were: Conneston Construction, Inc. – Laconia, NH Meridian Construction Corp. – Gilford, NH Milestone Engineering and Construction – Concord, NH A process for selecting a single firm to propose to the Selectmen for approval was discussed. It included interviewing all three firms and making an initial decision based on qualifications only, then a final decision after also considering the fee proposals from all three firms. It was agreed to proceed on this basis and it was also agreed to interview all three firms on September 24, 2013 at the Library. Times for the interviews will be 2, 3 and 4 pm. Tom and Dennis Mires will put together a Request for Proposal to send to the three selected firms. Tom will advise the Selectmen’s office of the interview schedule and invite all three Selectmen to attend if they wish. e. The various codes with “accessibility” requirements were discussed briefly. Dennis Mires advised ASME A17.1 deals primarily with the mechanical aspects of elevators and does not address “accessibility” requirements. Tom expressed concern that between the ADA, the State Building Code and the Governor’s Commission on Disabilities own “code”, it was difficult to ascertain what was acceptable. The Architect agreed and added that because the Library has some historic character, the State Code might offer some relief. Tom expressed his feeling that we need to look at every option to a full elevator that might be “acceptable”. It was also noted that the elevator layout developed in Phase 1 greatly reduced the need for wheelchairs to turn 180 degrees when traveling between levels. NEW BUSINESS 1. It was moved (Tom Wallace) and seconded (Leina Smoker) that the Library accept the $ 1000. “donation” from the Ralph Berg Revocable Trust with the requirement that it be used for the purchase of Children’s books. MOTION PASSED 2. It was moved (Tom Wallace) and seconded (Leina Smoker) that the Library accept the donation of books to the library and the resulting proceeds from the OHD Booksale totaling $ 877.18. MOTION PASSED 3. Tom reported that he had been contacted by Betty Jo Taffe of the Town’s Trustees of Trust Funds seeking input from the Library Trustees regarding the Town’s Library Capital Reserve Fund. The fund balance is currently in a Money Market acct. and earning very little interest. Per Betty Jo the Town’s Trustees of the Trust Funds are looking to move funds to CD’s when appropriate. Betty Jo’s question was whether the funds in the Town’s Library Captial Reserve Fund would be needed in the next 6 months. If not, and if acceptable to the Library Trustees, they would look into moving the fund balance to a 6 month CD to get a better return. After discussion, and noting that the Capital Reserve Fund will not be used until after the 2014 Town Meeting at the earliest, it was moved (Tom) and seconded (Leina) that the Library should respond to Betty Jo’s request by advising her that the Library did not object to moving this fund to a 6 month CD. MOTION PASSED Tom noted, also, that the Town’s Trustees of Trust Funds also holds the “principal” for both the Wm. Doe & Adelaide Bond Endowment Funds and that the Library receives, annually, the just the interest from the previous year. Tom also noted that the annual interest income from the funds had decreased dramatically in the last few years. It was moved (Tom) and seconded (Leina) that the Library advise the Town’s Trustees of Trust Funds that the Library Trustees would not object to the Town’s Trust Funds Trustees placing the “principals” for these two funds in one year, or longer, CD’s to get better interest return. MOTION PASSED Meeting adjourned 3:35 pm Next Meeting: September 24, 2013 at 1:45 pm for interviews of prospective Construction Managers

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