Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Library Trustees' Meeting - 3/17/2011

The meeting was opened at 1:00 p. m. with Tom Wallace, Roger Daniels and Susan Turbyne in attendence.

1. Review Draft Minutes of January 26, 2011 Meeting
The final lighting cost was corrected to $7034.79. It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Tom Wallace) to accept the minutes as corrected. The motion was passed.

2. Treasurer’s Report
a. Account Balances - $97,672.17 as of 3/16/2011
b. YTD Income /Expenses – We reviewed our income and expenses as of 3/16/2011. We will request the next quarterly payment April 1st.
c. 2010 Town Financial Audit – The Audit took place in February.
3. Library Director’s Report
a. January and February went by quickly. In January we recorded 294 patron visits with 350 books and 147 videos/dvds being checked out. February brought 277 visits with 334 books and 94 videos being checked out. We were closed February 24th and 26th when the electrician was here.
b. We are very pleased with the new overhead lights. They look very attractive and give much needed light. We are looking forward to the final lights being installed soon.
c. The Ladies Book Club met on February 10th at my home to discuss the novel, Eternal on the Water by Joseph Monninger. We had a good turnout and it was fun having Mr Monninger as our surprise guest. He answered our many questions about the book and his writing career and shared some of his incites on the publishing world.
d. Eighty-two children’s books from the Libri Grant arrived and we have been busy processing them and plan to start displaying them today.
e. Our ‘Winter’ display of picture books has kept our youngest readers very busy. We track the books they read and are pleased that one youngster has read sixteen books from the selection. We have put together a ‘Spring’ display which is ready to go as soon as the snow disappears.
f. We have had two changes in personnel. Lara Croft, after just over one year here at the library, has moved out of the area and resigned her position at the end of January. Rachel Anderson is starting work today.
g. I am working on the Annual Report for the State of NH and plan to have it done within the next two weeks.

4. Status - Town Master Plan Narrative
We plan to review and update our portion of the plan.

5. Lighting Replacement Project
a. Work Status
AES Electrical completed the wiring and lighting in the lobby, children’s room and reference room. The office and young adult room is still to be done.
b. Bid Alternate No. 1 Option – $ 1,439.00: Complete lighting replace in Stack Area.
It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Tom Wallace) to move ahead with this project. The motion was passed.

6. Other Business – None

Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 18th, 2011 at 6:00 P.M. at the Library

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