Thursday, September 29, 2011

Library Trustees' Meeting - 7/20/2011

The meeting was called to order at 6:33 PM with Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker and Susan Turbyne in attendance.

1. Review Draft Minutes of May 18, 2011 Meeting/It was moved by Tom Wallace, seconded by Leina Smoker, and passed to accept the minutes as read.
2. Treasurer’s Report
a. Account Balances/$96,893.70 as of 7/16/2011
b. YTD Income – Expenses/Six months into the year we have spent 49.1% of our budget.
3. Library Director’s Report/We reviewed the plan for Old Home Day. Our annual book sale will run from 9 until noon. The library will be open from 10 until 2 with our historical scrapbooks on display.

4. Status - Town Master Plan Narrative/In progress
5. Lighting Replacement Project
a. NHEC Grant status/Tom is compiling usage statistics to present to the Coop.
6. Remaining projects for 2011 using Library Endowm. Funds
a. Refinish front doors/Craig Bixby is scheduled to work on this project late fall.
b. Re-wiring to eliminate remaining knob and tube circuiting/We are waiting for a cost and description of work needing to be done.
7. Boiler maintenance/Roger is communicating with Carl Doe to set up an annual plan.

8. Employees salaries reviews/Susan requested that we review the salary schedule in neighboring communities.
9. Library Security
a. Action(s) required: ie. change keys/We plan to change the lock on the front door at the time it is refinished. The same key has been used for many years and we have no way of knowing who has the keys.
10. Town Facilities Committee/Tom will give a tour to the Town Facilities Committee of which he is a member on August 4th at 6 PM.
a. Tour of Library – August 4 @ 6:00 pm
b. Accessibility Alterations – Options
c. Acquire/ swap Church property
11. NHLTA new Trustee workshops/Leina plans to attend the September 20th workshop in Newport.
Sept. 20 (Tues.); 5:00 to 8:00 pm.; Newport
Sept. 21 (Wed.), 5:00 -8:00 pm. Conway, Seabrook & Hooksett
Concord: June 7- 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
12. Other Business/none

The next meeting is scheduled for September 28th at 6 PM
Sept. 28-Prelim Budget

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