Thursday, May 24, 2012
Library Trustees' Meeting - 5/15/2012
The meeting of the Architect’s Selection Committee was called to order at 6:05 pm. Present were Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, and Susan Turbyne. Selectman Ed Haskell had previously indicated that he would not be able to attend the meeting. A call was made to Leina Smoker, but she was unable to attend due to family matters.
Roger, Susan and Tom each announced their first, second and third choices. All had the same ranking:
#1 Dennis Mires, P.A – The Architects; Manchester
#2 SMP Architecture; Concord
#3 Samyn-D’Elia, PA; Ashland
After that the sealed envelopes with the fee proposal from each candidate were opened. The fee proposals were as follows:
Dennis Mires SMP, Arch. Samyn-D’Elia
Part 1
Feasib. Study
Completed by
Sept. 28, 2012 $ 17,840. $ 15,000. $15,585.
Part 2
Services Oct. 1 to
2013 Town Mtg. $ 1,600. $ 5,500. $ 7,350.
Total Fee Proposal $19,440. $ 20,500. $22,935.
The Committee reviewed their rankings and agreed that Dennis Mires, P.A. – The Architects with the lowest total fee, remained as the # 1 choice.
The Library Trustees agreed to meet on Wednesday, May 23, at 6:00 pm, at the Library to review and approve the Grant Application to LCHIP in its final form.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Library Trustees' Meeting - 5/9-10/2012
The meeting of the Architect’s Selection Committee was called to order at 6 pm. Present were Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker and Susan Turbyne. Selectman Ed Haskell had previously indicated that he would not be able to attend the meeting.
6:00 to 6:45 pm.
The firm of SMP Architecture of Concord, NH represented by Eric Paulson and Jason Lacombe was interviewed. Written proposals of services offered by the firm were distributed as well as the list of three References. Also, a sealed proposal containing their fee proposal for the work was received, but not opened.
6:50 to 7:05 pm.
The Committee discussed the process and scheduling for the selection of an Architect.
7:10 to 8:00 pm.
The firm of Samyn – D’Elia Architects of Ashland, NH represented by Tom Samyn was interviewed. Written proposals of services offered by the firm were distributed and reviewed. Also, a sealed proposal containing their fee proposal for the work was received, but not opened.
May 10, 2012 – 6:00 p.m.
The meeting of the Architect’s Selection Committee was called to order at 6 pm. Present were Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker, Susan Turbyne, and Selectman Ed Haskell.
6:00 to 6:45 pm.
The firm of Dennis Mires , P.A. – The Architects of Manchester, NH represented by Dennis Mires and John Urdi was interviewed. Written proposals of services offered by the firm were distributed as well as the list of three References. Also, a sealed proposal containing their fee proposal for the work was received, but not opened.
6:50 to 7:15 pm.
The Committee discussed the three firms interviewed. No final decision was made and it was agreed to meet again on Tuesday, May 15 at 6:00 pm. at the Library to further discuss and come to a decision.
Library Trustees' Meeting - 4/18/2012
The meeting was called to order at 6 pm. Present were Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker and Susan Turbyne.
1. Review Draft Minutes of March 29, 2012 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the minutes of the March 29th, 2012 meeting as read. The motion was passed.
2. Treasurer’s Report
a. Account Balances - $97,206.95 as of 4/18/2012
b. 2012 Spending “to date” - $9,186.07 has been spent as of 4/18/2012
3. Library Director’s Report
We had 471 patron visits in March and checked out 595 books and 264 videos/dvds. Fourteen people came in to use the computers.
Sheila is back from her vacation and Rachel will be off this next week. Sheila’s vacation was unpaid. Nine hours of Rachel’s vacation will be paid.
We have been busy readying books for circulation. We have purchased new books and have received many donations. Our patrons’ favorite authors seem to be quite prolific.
We have begun to publicize our next block of Saturday morning story/craft times. This next session will begin May 5th.
Last Thursday, seven ladies from the BGM Knitting Society met here at the library. They all appreciate the opportunity to socialize and are good advocates of our library.
Monday, I spent the day in Concord at the ‘Small Libraries Summit’ which was sponsored by the State Library. Library Trustees was the topic and Terry Knowles was the presenter. Thanks to Tom, we seem to be in line with what is expected legally from our trustees. I am grateful to the three of you and how well we do together. Thank you!
4. Status - Town Master Plan Narrative
a. Report - Public Hearing April 5, 2012 – This hearing took place as scheduled. The Planning Committee will review our request to remove the last sentence regarding the library at their next meeting.
5. 2012 Town Meeting Library Warrant Articles
a. Endowment Fund Projects – Chimney re-pointing (Dickie Duffy) Roger met with Dickie Duffy and he will be unable to do the work. Mr Duffy does feel that the work should be done and will suggest someone to do the work. Roger will follow up with Mr Duffy.
6. Library Accessibility Project
• Review Architect Qualifications
Identify Finalists (Min. 3; up to 5) After reviewing the qualifications, it was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) that we continue on with the process and interview SMP Architecture, Dennis Mires, and Samyn-D’Elia Architects.
Notification of Finalists and Others – Tom will inform the finalists.
“Request for Proposal” – Sealed Proposal w/ Cost
Interviews May 9 & 10
Wed. May 9: #1- 6:00 to 6:45pm. #2- 7:15 to 8:00 pm.
Thurs. May 10: #1- 6:00 to 6:45pm.
• Selection Committee – We will tentatively meet on Tuesday, May 15th.
• Other Grant Application components
Property Survey – We would like to update the property survey which was last done in 1995 by Kevin French. We have tried unsuccessfully to find out if he is interested. Roger will make an attempt to talk with him.
Hazardous Materials Survey – Tom contacted two companies who estimated a cost of $800 to $1000
Energy Audit – The town had an audit done by SEEDS for the town offices. We contacted SEEDS and received an estimate of $1500 to $2000.
- The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 23rd at 6 pm to approve the final grant application.
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