Thursday, August 28, 2014

Rumney Library Trustees - 7/18/2014

MEETING MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES BYRON G. MERRILL LIBRARY Rumney, NH July 18, 2014 – 1:30 p.m. The meeting was opened at 1:00 PM. Present were Library Trustees, Roger Daniels, Leina Smoker and Tom Wallace, Library Director, Susan Turbyne and Kathy Wallace. Note: It was agreed to address the Fundraising group for the “Accessibility project progress report by Kathy Wallace as first item on the Agenda OLD BUSINESS 1. Kathy Wallace reported that: a. The fundraising group will have tables at both the Common and the Library for Old Home Day on August 9. They plan to present information about the project and its need, and will provide an opportunity for people to make donations to the project. A focus of the OHD effort, and all the efforts of the fundraising group, will be to encourage all Rumney citizens to participate in the fundraising at whatever level they can afford. b. The group plans to offer engraved bricks for sale as a fundraiser with the bricks being used as part of the new entry walk to the proposed new accessible entrance. Bristol was very successful with a similar effort related to their new library addition and is now on a second “round” of brick sales. Cost per engraved brick is $ 16.50 (each) that will be available for a donation of $ 75. Samples and information on purchasing bricks will be available at Old Home Days. c. An organized effort will be started in late summer to raise donations from “key donors”. The fundraising group is compiling a list of potential donors. It is anticipated that solicitation of donations will be done by other donors. d. All money raised will be transferred directly to the Library. As a “governmental” entity, donations will be “tax-deductible” for donors. e. Brad and Lorrie Eaton have offered to make a fundraising sign to reflect progress made as it is made. The location of the sign is to be determined. f. As part of their efforts to educate the Town citizens about the project, the fundraising group plans to highlight that, by making both levels of the library “accessible” to the disabled, it will open up possibilities for new and expanded use of the library by all Rumney citizens. (Note: Kathy Wallace left meeting at this point) REPORTS 1. Review Draft Minutes: May 14, 2014 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the minutes as read. The motion was passed. (Note: No meeting on June 11, 2014 due to lack of quorum) 2. Treasurer’s Report. a. Account Balances – Tom reported that through July 17, 2014, account balances are: Checking Acc’t: $11,521,.14 Disbursement Acc’t. $ 177.80 Library Endowment Acc’ts. $87,985.10 b. 2014 Spending: $ 19,373.46 (51.35% of appropriation). It was noted that it was necessary to replace the building’s water pump at a cost of $ 540. This was an unanticipated “maintenance” expense and will have to be offset by a reduction in other line item(s). 3. Library Director’s Report (None) OLD BUSINESS 1. Accessibility Project a. LCHIP Grant: A Draft copy of the Grant Application for the remaining $25,000. in the Groton Wind Farm Mitigation Fund (Phase 3) was discussed. The Trustees plan to apply this amount toward the construction cost of the project. Tom reported that LCHIP has advised that the Library could submit the Grant Application for the remaining funds for review/ action by the LCHIP Board of Directors at either their Sept. 2014 or Jan. 2015 meeting. It was agreed to submit the application for review at the Sept. 2014 meeting. b. The Project Budget, with both Expense and Income components, was reviewed. After discussion it was agreed to remove the $ 20,000 allocated for Furnishings and Equipment from the Expense side thereby reducing the Expense total to $ 356,500. This was done because it appears more likely that funding for this item, primarily new bookcases, might be secured as a grant through Rural Development after construction of the project is authorized. Also, if additional funding through a grant for this item cannot be secured, Susan felt that existing the book shelving could be made to suffice. c. Tom reported that he will present the Phase 3 Grant Application for the remaining $ 25,000. to the Selectboard at their meeting on July 21 and ask for their approval/ signatures to submit LCHIP. It was moved (Tom) and seconded (Leina) to have Roger sign the Groton Wind Farm Mitigation Fund Grant Application for the Library. d. The Trustees reviewed the latest architectural plans developed by the architect. NEW BUSINESS 1. Granite benches: Susan reported that she had been approached by Gail Carr asking about having the second granite bench in front of the library engraved with her mother’s name. The family had contributed money toward the entry project in 2004, at the time of the library’s centennial celebration, as a memorial to Donald and Muriel Kenneson. At that time the first bench was engraved with Donald Kenneson’s name. The trustees agreed to have the second bench engraved with Muriel Kenneson’s name as the family originally intended. Tom will investigate what would be involved to accomplish this and report back. Next Meeting: Not Scheduled

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