Thursday, August 28, 2014
Rumney Library Trustees - 1/8/2014
MEETING MINUTES – Approved 2/5/2014
Rumney, NH
January 8, 2014 – 12:30 p.m.
The meeting was opened at 12:37 PM. Present were Roger Daniels, Leina Smoker, Tom Wallace, and Susan Turbyne.
1. Review Draft Minutes: December 5, 2013 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the minutes as read. The motion passed.
2. Treasurer’s Report
a. Account Balances – Balances total $94,151.95 (Disbursement Acc’t - $366.85, Library Endowment - $86,520.44, Rumney Library - $7,264.66).
b. 2013 YE Income/Spending reviewed
c. Donations: Received in month of December 2013
Marilyn Monahan $ 100.00 12/17/13 – No restrictions
Susan Stephensen $ 200.00 12/27/13 – For Middle Grade Children’s books
Motion: It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept these donations. The motion passed.
3. Library Director’s Report - none
1. “Lot Line Adjustment” with Rumney Baptist Church – Status: We are waiting for the town attorney to make corrections to wording of “Deed” that will allow Church to sign .
2. Accessibility Project
a. Status- Acceptability of LULA Elevator as vertical “path of travel”: Tom reported that at the meeting on January 21st of the State’s Architectural Barrier Free Design Committee (Abfd Committee) the Library will ask for a waiver to allow installation of a LULA Elevator in the proposed addition vs. a full elevator.
b. Hazardous Materials Inspection: Tom reported that the inspection was performed on Dec. 30, 2013. The report, including estimated costs for abatement, should be coming soon.
c. Design Scheme Options were reviewed:
• Tom explained the Code/ Regulation requirements regarding elevators and lifts. If located in new construction, a “full-sized” elevator with minimum interior cab dimensions is required. If located in existing construction, the codes allow, in addition to a “full-sized” elevator; the use of either a smaller LULA elevator or a Platform Lift; both of which are less expensive than the “full-sized” elevator.
• Scheme J1
o LULA Elevator vs. Lift: Tom has located examples of each in Canaan. Tom and Roger will attempt to visit.
o Sketches showing a new Access. Toilet in addition and possible appearance of this scheme prepared by Tom were reviewed. Approval of appearance by Arch. Historian will be required, but appearance is very similar to designs already approved.
o Chart showing Comparative Cost Estimates and Funding Sources (dated Dec. 30, 2013) was reviewed.
Motion: It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) designating Scheme E1R with the LULA Elevator in the proposed addition as the Trustees first choice to present to Town. If a waiver to allow this option is not given by the State’s Abfd Committee at their Jan. 21, 2014 meeting; Scheme J1 with a Platform Lift located in the existing building is the Trustees next choice. The motion passed unanimously.
d. Project budget adjustment: Tom advised that current Project Budget as set at June 27, 2013 Trustee Meeting is $ 300,000. Project Budget estimates for the Trustees first and second choices (per 2.c above) are:
E1R: $ 434,632.
J1 with Platform Lift: $ 363,000.
Motion: It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to increase the Project Budget from $ 300,000. to $434,632. Motion passed unanimously.
It was noted that this motion allows the Trustees to present either Scheme E-1R with LULA Elevator or Scheme J1 to the Town for vote at the March 2014 Town Meeting.
e. Project Funding Options: Full appropriation in 2014, a Bond Issue, and RSA 32:7-a as project funding options were discussed and charts comparing the estimated effects for each on the Tax Rate were reviewed.
Motion: It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to recommend to the Town that the project be funded by a 10 year Bond. The motion passed unanimously.
3. 2014 Library Budget/ Town Meeting Articles Request Revisions
a. Adjustment to authorize spending of remaining balance of Ralph/ Evelyn Berg Revocable Trust in 2014:
Motion: It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to add $366.85 to our request with the amount to come from the unexpanded balance of the Ralph/ Evelyn Berg Revocable Trust donation received in 2013. Motion Passed.
b. Library Capital Reserve Fund: The Article for $ 5000. to be added to the Library Capital Reserve Fund initially included in the budget request (per Oct. 7, 2013 meeting) was discussed. It was noted that this Article will, by law, have to come after any Bond Issue Articles. It was agreed to increase this amount to $ 25,000. in the event that the Article to fund the Library’s Accessibility Project is defeated, but to amend the Article at Town Meeting to change the amount from $ 25,000 to $ 0.00 if the Project passes.
Motion: It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to request that $25,000.00 be added to the Library Capital Reserve Fund at the 2014 Town Meeting. The motion was passed.
c. Article for Accessibility Addition and Alterations construction
• Design Scheme: First choice is Scheme E1R with LULA Elevator; Second choice is Scheme J1 with Platform Lift per Item 2.c above
• Total Appropriation (Project Budget): Increase to $434,632 per Item 2.d above.
o Funding Sources:
From Library Capital Reserve Fund Full Balance ($25,000.+)
From Library Held Donald Young
Memorial Fund Full Balance ($ 1620.+)
Ten Year Bond Issue (Per 2e. above) Remainder
It was also agreed to seek and apply for additional Grants to fund the project, including the balance remaining in the LCHIP “Groton Wind Farm Mitigation Fund”, with the intent to apply Grant amounts received to reduce the amount of the Bond.
4. Status- Installation of safety valve discharge piping per boiler inspection recommendation.: Roger Daniels reported that he has spoken with Carl Doe and that Carl will install the required discharge at no cost to the Library. Susan also mentioned that the faucet in the toilet room lavatory is leaking steadily and that Carl may be able to make this repair as well.
1. Agreed by the Trustees to request that the Town schedule the required Public Hearing for the Accessibility Project Bond Issue as part of the Town’s Budget Hearing on February 10, 2014.
Next Meeting: None Scheduled. Agreed that Tom will meet with the Architect and Construction Manager on Jan. 23, 2014 (after the Abfd Committee on Jan. 21) to advise them of the Trustees decision on the selected design scheme so that they can prepare for presentation of the project to the Town at Public Hearings and Town Meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:35 PM.
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