Thursday, April 19, 2012

Library Trustees' Meeting - 3/29/2012

The meeting was called to order at 6 pm. Present were Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Leina Smoker, and Susan Turbyne.

1. Review Draft Minutes of January 4, 2012 Meeting – It was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to accept the minutes of the January 4th, 2012, as read. The motion was passed.

2. Treasurer’s Report
a. Account Balances – Balance on hand as of 3/27/2012 - $89,592.10
$ 524.75 moved from Checking to Endowment (OHD Book sale)
b. 2012 Spending “to date” $7,388.67 as of 3/27/2012
Boiler – Oil expense *$3.25 a gal for oil at this time
c. Town Financial audit – Year 2011 – No problems were reported.

3. Library Director’s Report – We were busy in January and February. During those two months we were open 108 hours and had 922 patron visits and checked out 1097 books and 462 dvds/videos.
Rachel conducted eight Saturday story times with 24 children participating at various times. The spring story time session will begin May 5th and run for 5 weeks. Our summer reading program with the theme Dream Big Read will start June 20th and run until Old Home Day. We have contacted Squam Lakes Natural Science Center and they will bring a program August 2nd at 7pm featuring several nocturnal animals.
Most of our time is spent preparing books for circulation, shelving books that have been returned, and assisting patrons. We constantly try to make everything look more attractive – you will notice new signage and displays in both the children’s room and the young adult room.
Sheila leaves for vacation this Saturday and will be out for two weeks. Rachel will be taking the school vacation week from April 21st to 28th. National Library Week is the 2nd week in April and we’ve invited the residents of Rumney to stop in.

4. Status - Town Master Plan Narrative – After reading the report, the trustees felt that the last sentence should be removed and it was moved (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker). The motion was passed. Tom Wallace will send a letter to the selectmen requesting that the last sentence of the report be removed.
• A Public Hearing on the Master Plan is scheduled for April 5, 2012

5. Status – 2012 Town Meeting Library Warrant Articles
• 2012 Budget
Endowment Fund Projects - $3000 was approved and will be used to repoint the chimney, do some painting, and possibly purchase some kindles/ebook readers.
• Library Capital Reserve - $5,000 was added to the fund bringing the total to just over $20,000.
• LCHiP Mitigation Grant Application authorization – We have permission to apply for the grant and we want to get our application in by the end of May.

6. NH Library Trustees Assoc. Annual Meeting – May 21 in Bedford – No one is able to go.

7. Library Trustee position elections for 2012
• Chair – Roger Daniels
• Secretary – Leina Smoker
• Treasurer – Tom Wallace

8. Policy – Employee Vacations – This policy was discussed and a motion was made (Roger Daniels) and seconded (Leina Smoker) to approve the following:
Employee Vacation Time
After one (1) full year of continuous employment after the first day the employee worked at the Library, each employee shall be entitled to one (1) week of paid vacation.
After a second full year of continuous employment, each employee shall be entitled to two (2) weeks of paid vacation.
For each year after the second year of continuous employment, each employee shall be entitled to two (2) weeks of paid vacation.
A week shall be defined as the average number of hours the employee worked in the previous year of employment.
Earned vacation time shall be used within one year after the vacation time was earned according to a schedule mutually agreed upon by the employee and the Library Director. In the event that earned vacation time is not used within a year after it is earned, or if the employment of the employee ends before earned vacation time is used, the employee shall be paid on an hourly basis for all unused, earned vacation time using their average hourly wage for the year following the period in which the vacation time was earned.
The motion was passed.

# 9 Library Accessibility Project
• LCHiP has provided “final “Historic Building Assessment Grant Application” to be used to apply for Groton Wind Project Mitigation money. Application requires identification of “consultant” to be used and amount of grant request. LCHiP Board next meets on June 18, 2012 and can vote on Library application on that date if Grant Application is received around the end of May.
• Request for Qualifications packages sent to 11 Architects. Responses received from 8 Architecture firms
o Process for selecting “finalists” and selected Architect to serve as consultant for Library Accessibility Feasibility Study discussed and the following schedule agreed to:
 Mar. 29 – Apr. 18, 2012: Review Qualifications, check references and prepare final Request for Proposals.
 Apr. 18: Select from 3 to 5 “finalists” to be interviewed and to submit Proposal including fee proposal.
 May 9 & 10: Interview Finalists and receive Sealed Proposals
 May 10 – May 24: Discuss and Rank finalists, then open Sealed Proposals. Review ranking, clarify any questions and take Final Selection vote.
 May 24 – May 31: Prepare “Historic Building Assessment Grant Application” and for submit to LCHiP.
 June 18: LCHiP Board meets to vote on Grant Application.
• Two potential “Conflict of Interest” issues were discussed
o Trustee Wallace indicated a concern regarding the fact that one of the Architects that submitted Qualifications was his former firm, Tennant/Wallace Architects. He felt he should remove himself from voting both during selection of “finalists” and final choice of “consultant” for the Feasibility Study. After discussion it was agreed that Wallace would not participate in voting, but would participate in the selection process to provide input to help guide the Library through the process.
o Trustee Smoker advised that she was friends with Tim Smith who also submitted Qualifications, but that this would not affect her evaluation of his qualifications.
• After discussion, it was agreed that the Library invite a representative from the Selectmen to participate in the Consultant selection process. Wallace to contact Selectmen’s office to arrange.
• The following other expenses that might be included in the Grant Application were identified:
o Land survey – Topo & Boundaries
o Status/ Condition – Septic & Water Supply
o Hazardous Materials Survey
o Energy Audit
Wallace will work to get cost proposals for each of these to allow the Trustees to decide which, if any, to include in final Grant Application.

• LCHiP has provided “final “Historic Building Assessment Grant Application” to be used to apply for Groton Wind Project Mitigation money. Application requires identification of “consultant” to be used and amount of grant request. LCHiP Board next meets on June 18, 2012 and can vote on Library application on that date if Grant Application is received around the end of May.
• Request for Qualifications packages sent to 11 Architects. Responses received from 8 Architecture firms
o Process for selecting “finalists” and selected Architect to serve as consultant for Library Accessibility Feasibility Study discussed and the following schedule agreed to:
 Mar. 29 – Apr. 18, 2012: Review Qualifications, check references and prepare final Request for Proposals.
 Apr. 18: Select from 3 to 5 “finalists” to be interviewed and to submit Proposal including fee proposal.
 May 9 & 10: Interview Finalists and receive Sealed Proposals
 May 10 – May 24: Discuss and Rank finalists, then open Sealed Proposals. Review ranking, clarify any questions and take Final Selection vote.
 May 24 – May 31: Prepare “Historic Building Assessment Grant Application” and for submit to LCHiP.
 June 18: LCHiP Board meets to vote on Grant Application.
• Two potential “Conflict of Interest” issues were discussed
o Trustee Wallace indicated a concern regarding the fact that one of the Architects that submitted Qualifications was his former firm, Tennant/Wallace Architects. He felt he should remove himself from voting both during selection of “finalists” and final choice of “consultant” for the Feasibility Study. After discussion it was agreed that Wallace would not participate in voting, but would participate in the selection process to provide input to help guide the Library through the process.
o Trustee Smoker advised that she was friends with Tim Smith who also submitted Qualifications, but that this would not affect her evaluation of his qualifications.
• After discussion, it was agreed that the Library invite a representative from the Selectmen to participate in the Consultant selection process. Wallace to contact Selectmen’s office to arrange.
• The following other expenses that might be included in the Grant Application were identified:
o Land survey – Topo & Boundaries
o Status/ Condition – Septic & Water Supply
o Hazardous Materials Survey
o Energy Audit
Wallace will work to get cost proposals for each of these to allow the Trustees to decide which, if any, to include in final Grant Application.
It was agreed to meet next on Wednesday, April 18th 2012.

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