Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Library Trustees' Meeting - 3/10/2010

In Attendance: Roger Daniels, Tom Wallace, Jan Serfass, Susan Turbyne Minutes were reviewed from the January 27, 2010 meeting. Roger made a motion to accept as read. Tom 2nd. All in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report: Tom gave an accounting of expenditures to date. As of 3/1/10 there was $95,420.12 total in all bank accounts.

Library Director's Report: Susan reported on the state wide efforts to have everyone read “To Kill A Mockingbird”. The kickoff was successful with several patrons reading the book. She held a 106th birthday party for Dr. Suess with many children attending and enjoying the festivities.

Old Business: Town voting will be held on Tuesday, March 9 and the Town Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 11. Susan is working on the Library report for the Town Master Plan.

New Business: Susan introduced the Mango Language program which is available for purchase by the library. It would allow patrons to access a program with a particular code supplied by the librarian in order to learn a foreign language in the confines of their own home. Six languages are available to learn it's vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and culture. Susan felt it would be a benefit to the town residents and also to keep the library up to date on new programming. Tom made a motion to purchase the program for $250 with Jan 2nd. All in favor. Motion carried.

Susan received an estimate of $200 to refinish the front doors to protect them from the weather. Discussion was tabled for later decision.

Tracey Duffy has volunteered to paint the NH/Teen room free of charge. Library will buy paint and supplies.

Tom and Susan will be researching on replacing the lighting over the front desk to update for energy efficiency.

New Policy- “Out of Town Patron Policy” The Trustee's discussed charging out of town patrons for the privilege of borrowing books from the BGM Library. Jan made a motion to charge non-Rumney patrons $10 per year per person for a library card. Roger 2nd. All in favor. Motion carried.

With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:45. Next meeting. April 7, 6:30PM

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