Saturday, August 25, 2018

Library Trustees - 7/30/2018

The second meeting of 2018 was opened at 6:30 PM with Trustees Roger Daniels, Lorrie Eaton, and Stacie Winsor present. Also attending was Susan Turbyne, Library director.

Lorrie Eaton moved that the minutes from our meeting on February 22nd 2018 be approved as read. The motion was seconded by Stacie Winsor and passed. The approved minutes will be forwarded to the town office and placed on the Rumney Trustees Blog.

Treasurer Stacie Winsor distributed the quarterly cash flow report for the first and second quarters of 2018. A letter requesting our 3rd Quarter operating funds has been sent to the selectmen.

Election of Officers – Lorrie Eaton moved that the three officers continue in their present positions – Chair – Roger Daniels, Treasurer – Stacie Winsor, and Secretary – Lorrie Eaton. The motion was seconded by Stacie Winsor and passed.

Correspondence from the Attorney General – A letter telling of Terry Knowles retirement and an explanation of the change in training for library trustees was received.

CIP Meeting with the Planning Board – August 14th As we have no updates to our plan, we will not have to attend this meeting

BGM Building Concerns – Roger will work with Carl Doe to take care of these concerns.

• Front door handle is loose
• Broken sink in furnace room
• Need heat in preschool room

Merrill Hall Flooring Project – Lorrie will contact Baker Valley Flooring regarding an installation schedule.

Respectfully submitted, Susan Turbyne, Library Director