Monday, December 9, 2024

Rumney Library Trustees -- November 6, 2024 (Approved 12/4/2024)


Rumney Library Trustees – Draft
Wednesday, November 6th, 2024 (Approved 12/4/2024)


The 2nd meeting of 2024 was opened at 12:00 noon on Wednesday, November 6th with Trustees Lorrie Eaton and Robin Goldstein present. Also attending were Katy Gautsch and Susan Turbyne, Library Director.

Minutes - Robin moved that the minutes from our meeting on January 31st, 2024, be approved as presented. The motion was seconded by Lorrie Eaton and was unanimously passed. The approved minutes will be forwarded to the town office and placed on the Rumney Library Trustees’ Website.

Financial Report - A cash flow report for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Quarters of 2024 was presented and discussed. Robin moved that the report be approved as presented. The motion was seconded by Lorrie Eaton and was unanimously passed.

2025 Budget Request – Copies of the 2025 budget request were distributed and discussion followed. Robin moved that the 2025 budget request be approved. The motion was seconded by Lorrie Eaton and unanimously passed. The request will be sent to the town office.

Citizens Bank Trust Funds – Additional research is needed to trace the origin of the library trusts in the Citizens account. Robin, Katy, and Susan will review the files and make a list of what needs to be done for our next meeting.

Change in Director – Susan stepped down from serving as director the past twenty years and thanked the (present and past trustees) for their support. The board then invited Katy Gautsch to serve as director and she accepted. We welcome Katy as the new Byron G Merrill Library Director.

Resignation – On October 21st, TJ Baumann submitted his resignation from the Board of Trustees due to his responsibilities with family, work, and classes. The board expressed their appreciation of his time with the library. At our next meeting, we will discuss his replacement.

Update from the (New!) Director -

Next Meeting - We plan to meet again in the next few weeks. Katy will set a day and time.

With no further business, it was agreed that we adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,
Katy Gautsch, Director

Rumney Library Trustees - January 31 2024 (Approved 11/6/2024)


Rumney Library Trustees  
Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - (Approved 11/6/2024)

The 1st meeting of 2024 was opened at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, January 31st, with Trustees Lorrie Eaton, Robin Goldstein, and TJ Baumann present. Also attending were Katy Gautsch and Susan Turbyne, Library Director.

Robin moved that the minutes from our meeting on October 29th, 2023, be approved as presented. The motion was seconded by Lorrie Eaton and was unanimously passed. The approved minutes will be forwarded to the town office and placed on the Rumney Library Trustees Website.

A cash flow report for 2023 was presented and discussed. Robin moved that the report be approved as presented. TJ seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

We need to update the authorized names on our account at the Citizens Bank. Update on Citizen’s Bank. Robin has prepared and will mail a letter to the person in charge of our account to request the signature cards.

Katy updated us on the roof replacement project. Joe Chivell sent us the bid proposal. It was agreed that Lorrie would have Brad Eaton review the bid again and if agreeable, we will return it to Joe. We are requesting that the bid go out by February 15th with bids due by March 15th 2 PM.

Katy then updated the board on the various activities that took place this month in the library: A Sunday presentation by Chris Schadler in Merrill Hall entitled Becoming Wolf, Eastern Coyotes in New Hampshire which was very well received; a Friday evening book discussion of Wesley the Owl which included supper;  and a Saturday morning fun time for families in Merrill Hall making snow shooters, challenging our shooters and enjoying a cup of cocoa.

February promises to be a busy month as well so we have included the February Newsletter. Each month we email the monthly newsletters to our patrons and then update it each Sunday throughout the month. We also display posters and submit articles to the Plymouth Record. Interested folks are encouraged to check out our webpage at

With no further business, it was agreed that we adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Turbyne, Director


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Rumney Library Trustees - October 29, 2023 (Approved 1/31/2024)


Rumney Library Trustees – (Approved 1/31/2024)
Thursday, October 29, 2023


The 4th meeting of 2023 was opened at 7:00 pm with Trustees Lorrie Eaton, Robin Goldstein, and TJ Baumann present. Also attending was Susan Turbyne, Library Director.

Robin moved that the minutes from our meeting on July 29th, 2023, be approved as presented. The motion was unanimously passed. The approved minutes will be forwarded to the town office and placed on the Rumney Library Trustees Website.

A cash flow report for the 3rd Quarter of 2023 was presented and discussed. Robin moved that the 3rd Quarter Cash Report be approved as presented. TJ seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

Old Business:

Charitable Funds Request… At our last meeting Susan informed everyone that Audrey Blodgett at Charitable Funds in Concord requires an annual report on the library trust funds. After that meeting, Mark Andrews looked at our paperwork and concluded that our five funds are savings accounts, not trust funds. We need to contact Audrey about this and see how to proceed.

Roof… Joe Chivell, the selectmen, and Brad Eaton have been working together to write the bid proposal for our roof work. Brad sent us a draft bid and we will wait for the team to finalize it before taking further action.

Septic System… VLK Septic emptied our tank on 9/14/2023. It took awhile for us to locate the tank and to dig it out. We added a collar to make pumping easier the next time. Total cost was $748.00

New Business:

Heating Oil… The Town of Rumney has accepted a proposal from Dead River Company for this winter’s oil delivery - $3.69 a gallon. Robin moved that the proposal for $3.69 a gallon be approved as presented. TJ seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

2024 Library Budget Proposal… The remainder of the meeting was spent discussing the budget request proposal to be considered by the Town of Rumney for the year 2024. The proposal will be delivered to the town office.

With no further business, it was agreed that we adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Turbyne, Director

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Rumney Library Trustees - 6/29/2023 (Approved 10/29/2023)


Rumney Library Trustees - draft  (Approved 10/29/2023)
Thursday, June 29, 2003

The 3rd meeting of 2023 was opened at 5:00 pm with Trustees Lorrie Eaton, Robin Goldstein, and TJ Baumann present. Also attending was Susan Turbyne, Library Director.

Robin moved that the minutes from our meeting on May 23rd, 2023, be approved as presented. The motion was unanimously passed. The approved minutes will be forwarded to the town office and placed on the Rumney Library Website.

A cash flow report for the 2nd Quarter of 2023 was presented and discussed. Robin moved that the 2nd Quarter Cash Report be approved as presented. TJ seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

Susan reminded the trustees of the upcoming Trustee Orientation Workshop being held in Concord on Monday, July 17th at 10am and encouraged everyone to attend.

Susan informed everyone that Audrey Blodgett at Charitable Funds requires an annual report on the library trust funds. We have five trust funds that are controlled by the library trustees and are included in our annual town report. Robin will need to submit a copy of our annual town report page to Audrey. Next year we should plan to do it in January. Byron G Merrill Library also has an investment policy that we follow for our investments.

Joe Chivell had hoped to be at our meeting to report on three maintenance projects he is working on for the library. They are:

1.                     The roof – Joe is working to get bids for re-shingling the original part of the library (not the addition) and will share the information when he has it.

2.                    The septic system – Joe is working to get all the town buildings on schedule for cleaning out the septic tanks every two or three years. He will let us know when the library will be scheduled.

3.                    Heating Oil – Joe is collecting bids for next season’s fuel costs and will get back to us when a decision is made.

At our last meeting we talked about upcoming events which included the plant sale on June 10th, the book sale on June 24th, and the start of Summer Reading on June 26th. The plant sale was fine despite the weather. We made a little money and the plants went to good homes. The book sale was set up inside and was most successful.  Neighbors, Molly and Richard, provided music which kept all our feet moving and Face Painting by Maggie was a big hit! We had a good group of volunteers that appeared to lend a hand and the last blog post with photos was our way of saying thank you to everyone. Susan again thanked the trustees for their support.

Susan explained the need for an additional part-time employee and that Katy Gautsch is interested. The board agreed to hire Katy and Susan will begin the hiring process.

With no further business, it was agreed that we adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Turbyne, Director


Monday, July 17, 2023

Library Trustees - 5/23/2023 (Approved on 6/29/2023)


Rumney Library Trustees - draft  (Approved 6/29/2023)
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The 2nd meeting of 2023 was opened at 4:30 pm with Trustees Lorrie Eaton, and Robin Goldstein present. Also attending was Susan Turbyne, Library Director. TJ Baumann was absent.

Robin moved that the minutes from our meeting on February 20th, 2023, be approved as presented. The motion was unanimously passed. The approved minutes will be forwarded to the town office and placed on the Rumney Library Website.

A cash flow report for the 1st Quarter of 2023 was presented and discussed. Robin moved that the 1st Quarter Cash Report be approved as presented. The motion was unanimously approved.

Old Business… “Seed Library” – Jane Kelso, our children’s librarian, did a great job setting up our ‘Seed Library” in the back entry way using our old card catalog. A “Seed Swap” took place on Saturday, March 4th, with several enthusiastic gardeners as well as a few newbies. Stories were shared and everyone left with new seeds to try. Since then, Jane has been planting seeds with the children for their gardens at home.

Old Business… Library Roof - We postponed discussion until TJ can give his report.

New Business… June Schedule – Susan reviewed our several events planned for June and reminded Robin and Lorrie that we will need help!

With no further business, it was agreed that we adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Turbyne, Director

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Library Trustees - 2/20/2023 (Approved on 5/23/2023)


Rumney Library Trustees – Approved May 23, 2023
February 20, 2023


The 1st meeting of 2023 was opened at 12:30 pm with Trustees Lorrie Eaton, TJ Baumann, and Robin Goldstein present. Also attending were Susan Turbyne, Library Director, and Jane Kelso, Assistant Library Director.

Robin moved that the minutes from our meeting on December 8th, 2022, be approved as presented. The motion was seconded by TJ and unanimously passed. The approved minutes will be forwarded to the town office and placed on the Rumney Library Website.

A cash flow report for 2023 was presented. A few adjustments in the categories still need to be made. A paper from Northway Bank updating signatures of people on the account was signed and Robin will deliver it to the bank.

Jane updated the board about our plans for a “Seed Library” and a “Seed Swap” that is scheduled for Saturday, March 4th, 10:30 until noon.

TJ reminded us about a small leak he noticed in the attic and the condition of the shingles as a little suspicious. Following some discussion, Robin moved that TJ contact the town office for suggestions on someone to take a closer look at the roof and evaluate the condition. The motion was seconded by TJ and unanimously passed. TJ will report back at our next meeting.

With no further business, it was agreed that we adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Turbyne, Director


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Library Trustees - 12/8/2022

Rumney Library Trustees – Approved 2/20/2023
December 8, 2022


The 3rd meeting of 2022 was opened at 3:30 pm with Trustees Lorrie Eaton and TJ Baumann present. Also attending were Susan Turbyne, Library Director, and Robin Goldstein. Absent was our third trustee, Stacie Winsor, who has served on the board since 2015. Stacie has recently sold her property in Rumney and taken up residence in our neighboring state of Vermont and has resigned from the board. Stacie served as our treasurer, kept track of our investments, and prepared our annual budget request. She will be very much missed.

Robin Goldstein has expressed an interest in filling the position until the next town election in March. Robin, along with her husband and four children, live on Main Street and all are avid readers and users of our library. Lorrie moved that the board accept Stacie Winsor’s resignation and appoint Robin Goldstein to finish the year as trustee and serve as board treasurer. The motion was seconded by TJ and unanimously approved. We welcomed Robin to the board.

Susan reminded the board that each of them would be up for election in March and need to sign up with the town clerk. Lorrie will be running for a three year term, TJ (who is completing Roger’s term) will be running for a two year term, and Robin (who is completing Stacie’s term) will be running for a one year term.

TJ moved that the minutes from our meeting on September 14th, 2022, be approved as presented. The motion was seconded by Robin and unanimously passed. The approved minutes will be forwarded to the town office and placed on the Rumney Library Trustees Blog.

A cash flow report for 2022 1st, 2nd and 3rd Quarters (January 1 – September 30, 2022) was presented. TJ moved that the report be approved. The motion was seconded by Robin and unanimously approved.

With no further business, it was agreed that we adjourn and meet again in November to approve our budget request.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Turbyne, Director